我有一个经常访问本地 sqlite3 数据库的 android 应用程序,出于性能考虑,所以我始终保持连接打开.但是我的一位朋友建议我每次操作都打开/关闭连接.
I have an android application that access local sqlite3 db frequently, for performance consideration so i always keep the connection open. But one of my friends recommended me to open/close the connection every operation.
1) 你们对这两种方法有什么看法?缺点/优点.2)我做了一些测试,发现数据库连接没有太多的性能开销.DB连接的性能开销是否因DB的大小而异?
1) What's your guys opinion on these two methods ? cons/pros. 2) I did some testing and find the DB connection doesn't have too much perf overhead. Does the performance overhead of DB connection varies on the size of the DB ?
I don't know of any performance penalties in frequent closing/opening of the database (regardless of its size). I think the answer to this question also depends on what type of application is accessing the database.
Do you "re-query" the database a lot?
Then it seems rectified to keep it open.
Do you fetch different data each time you fetch something?
Again, it seems reasonable to leave it open (as you won't gain in caching the data instead).
Are there any other applications accessing the same database?
If there is a risk for concurrency or blocking issues, it might be wise to close the database after finished reading/writing from/to it.
Generally I would say that you might gain more in caching data than in leaving the database open (contra closing it) when optimizing for performance.