是否有一个库可以渲染可在 iPhone OS 中使用的数学方程?
Is there a library to render mathematical equations that can be used in iPhone OS?
我会很高兴有一个库可以将 MathML 或 LaTeX 呈现为 iPhone OS 可以显示的格式.如果该库是在 BSD(或类似)下获得许可的,那将是完美的.
I would be very happy with a library that renders MathML or LaTeX to a format that iPhone OS can display. If the lib were licensed under BSD (or similar), that would be perfect.
回答我自己:目前(2011 年 6 月)没有这样的库.(我最终自己破解了一些东西.)
To answer myself: there is currently (June 2011) no such library. (I ended up hacking something myself.)
如果您已准备好使用 WebKit,您可以希望得到适当的 MathML 支持,然后您可以将其与 UIWebView
If you're ready to use WebKit, you can hope for proper MathML support which you can then use with a UIWebView
MathML 显然包含在桌面版 Safari 5.1 中,希望这意味着它也将包含在 iOS 5 的 Mobile Safari 中.
MathML is apparently included in desktop Safari 5.1, which hopefully means that it will also be in iOS 5's Mobile Safari.
这篇关于iPhone OS 的数学渲染库的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!