自 2011 年 10 月 10 日起,Facebook iOS SDK 再次支持"apprequests"对话框,用于从原生 iOS 应用程序发送用户对用户的请求(请参阅 Facebook 开发者文档中的屏幕截图 为例).
As of Oct 10, 2011, the Facebook iOS SDK does again support the "apprequests" dialog for sending user-to-user requests from native iOS apps (see the screenshots in Facebook's developer docs for an example).
与通过 Javascript 调用的 apprequests 对话框相比,缺少的一件事是启用所谓的 无摩擦请求(参见页面中间关于无摩擦请求的部分),即用户允许应用在不弹出对话框的情况下发送用户对用户请求的能力每次在第一次弹出对话框时选中一个复选框.
One thing that's missing compared to the apprequests dialog invoked via Javascript, though, is the possibility to enable the so-called frictionless requests (see the section about frictionless requests about halfway down the page), i.e. the ability for the user to allow the app to send user-to-user requests without the dialog popping up every time by checking a checkbox when the dialog pops up first.
问题:有没有办法为原生 iOS 应用启用无摩擦请求.
Question: is there a way to enable frictionless requests for native iOS apps.
为了回答我自己的问题,现在可以使用无摩擦请求(截至 2011 年 10 月下旬).Facebook 似乎已启用该功能.
To answer my own question, frictionless requests now work (as of late Oct 2011). It seems Facebook has enabled the functionality.
它突然起作用的原因也可能与我们将 FB 应用 ID 从沙盒应用(用于内部测试)切换到生产中使用的应用有关.因此,Facebook 可能仅针对生产应用或逐个应用启用无摩擦请求.
The reason it worked all of sudden might also have to do with us switching our FB app ID from a sandbox app (for internal testing) to an app used in production. So perhaps frictionless requests are enabled by Facebook only for production apps or on an app-by-app basis.
这篇关于Facebook 请求对话框:本机 iOS 应用程序中的无摩擦请求可能吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!