我正在尝试使用 emulator.exe
作为 Charles Proxy 的 android 模拟器.但是我有问题,当我启动时
I'm trying to use emulator.exe
as android emulator for Charles Proxy. But I have problem, when I launch
emulator @5.1_WVGA_API_28
恐慌:缺少x86"CPU 的模拟器引擎程序.
PANIC: Missing emulator engine program for 'x86' CPU.
但我可以从 android studio 运行模拟器,而且运行良好!我有一个英特尔处理器.
But I can run the emulator from android studio and it's working fine! I have an intel processor.
If you want to run emulator from command line,
<your-full-path>/emulator -avd 5.1_WVGA_API_28
对于较新版本的 Android SDK,模拟器路径应如下所示:
For newer version of Android SDK, the emulator path should be something as below:
对于老版本的Android SDK,模拟器路径如下:
For older version of Android SDK, the emulator path is as below:
Try either one of above to see which is your case.
Here is the official document for Android emulator command line usage: https://developer.android.com/studio/run/emulator-commandline
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