我最近使用 sdks 管理器安装了 Android Studio 及其所有更新.当我尝试启动模拟器时,我可以看到:
I have recently installed Android Studio and all its updates using sdks manager. When I try to start the emulator i can see this:
模拟器 -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_5_API_21_x86
emulator -netdelay none -netspeed full -avd Nexus_5_API_21_x86
HAX 正在工作,模拟器在快速 virt 模式下运行
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode
看起来不错.模拟器启动,但我只能看到黑屏.我使用应用程序创建的默认 AVD.它有 google api 的 x86 系统映像、1gb ram、64mb vm heap 和 200mb intel 存储.我试图取消选中使用主机 GPU".但它并没有解决问题.
It seems good. The emulator start but only thing i can see is a black screen. I use the default AVD created by the app. It has google api's x86 system image, 1gb ram, 64mb vm heap and 200mb intel storage. I tried to uncheck "Use Host GPU" but it did not solve the problem.
我最近在模拟器 Nexus 5 (Android O) 中遇到了同样的问题.我已经转到 Android Virtual Device Manager 并擦除用户数据,它解决了我的问题.
I have recently the same issue in emulator, Nexus 5 (Android O). I have go to Android Virtual Device Manager and Wipe User Data and it solved my Problem.