我已经为这个问题绞尽脑汁了好几个小时.我创建了一个 main.xml 并设计了一个用于 res/layout-land(横向)格式,另一个用于 res/layout 中的纵向.
I've racked my brain for hours over this issue. I have created a main.xml and designed one for the res/layout-land (landscape) format and another one for portrait in res/layout.
当我旋转模拟器 (ctrl-F11) 时,我的应用会使用正确的 main.xml 正确旋转到横向,但随后旋转回纵向只会保留横向 mail.xml.
When I rotate the emulator (ctrl-F11), my app rotates properly to landscape using the correct main.xml, but a subsequent rotation back to portrait just keeps the landscape mail.xml.
这是在 2.0 AVD 中完成的.
This was done in a 2.0 AVD..
出于绝望,我下载了新的多分辨率示例代码并不得不创建一个新的 2.1 AVD,令我惊讶的是,这个应用程序的轮换按预期正常工作.所以我决定在 2.1 AVD 上试用我的应用程序,它运行良好.
Out of despiration I downloaded the new Sample Code for Multiple Resolutions and had to create a new 2.1 AVD, to my surprise rotation with this app works correctly as expected. So I then decided to try my app on the 2.1 AVD and it works perfectly.
那么,这是 2.0 AVD 中的错误还是我需要为 < 做一些特别的事情?2.1 SDK 版本?
So, is this a Bug in a 2.0 AVD or is there something special I need to be doing for < 2.1 SDK versions?
This is driving me crazy because no where did anyone mention this issue.
FWIW,官方报告为bug 这里.
FWIW, it's officially reported as bug here.