我正在尝试安装 android sdk 并在我的 PC(Win7 64 位)上运行我的第一个应用程序.我从一开始就按照 网页并应用了他们使用的解决方案.它就像一个魅力.
- 从英特尔网站下载您的显卡驱动程序
- 在某处解压,位置无关紧要
- 进入设备管理器,(在 Windows 搜索栏中输入设备管理器)
- 点击显示适配器和英特尔核芯显卡.
- 转到标有驱动程序"的标签
- 点击更新驱动程序"和浏览我的电脑以查找驱动程序"
- 点击让我从驱动程序列表中选择"
- 单击从磁盘安装"按钮,
- 导航到您提取的驱动程序所在的位置并进入标有图形"的目录
- 选择名为igdlh64.INF"的文件
- 单击确定按钮,然后单击下一步,应安装驱动程序
- 之后您需要重新启动,并且在重新启动后您的驱动程序应该被更新
I'm trying to install android sdk and run my first application on my PC (Win7 64 bit). I followed instructions on http://developer.android.com from the beginning to http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/running-app.html When I try to start emulator (as mentioned on the last url) simply nothing shows up.
5 - Select the new AVD from the Android Virtual Device Manager and click Start.
It doesn't show any error messages. After launching AVD a process named adb.exe appears on task manager.
Below is eclipse console output when try to run my blank app from eclipse. On configurations, I set different target devices and selected starting activity manually. The same problem continues.
When AVD is started from outside of eclipse(sdkplatform-tools>android avd
[2013-03-22 08:50:48 - 1st] ------------------------------
[2013-03-22 08:50:48 - 1st] Android Launch!
[2013-03-22 08:50:48 - 1st] adb is running normally.
[2013-03-22 08:50:48 - 1st] Performing com.example.st.MainActivity activity launch
[2013-03-22 08:50:49 - 1st] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'AvdTest'
[2013-03-22 08:50:49 - 1st] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'AvdTest'
When AVD is started from eclipse:
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] ------------------------------
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] Android Launch!
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] adb is running normally.
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] Performing com.example.st.MainActivity activity launch
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD 'AvdTest' is not available. Launching new emulator.
[2013-03-22 09:22:44 - 1st] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'AvdTest'
I also downloaded only sdk and installed eclipse plugin but result is the same.
Tried to use logcat also. Started it then started AVD, but logcat shows nothing. When I kill adb.exe from task manager,it kills logcat too.
sdkplatform-tools>adb -e logcat
- waiting for device -
After reinstalling IDE/SDK a couple of times I decided to ask it here. What else I can do?
Edit : Folks, I have a virtual device. Please stop suggesting adding a virtual device.
I found it. In event viewer(Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsAdministrative ToolsEvent Viewer) clicked on Windows Log>Application on left menu and read error logs.
I googled dll file mentioned in log (aticfx32.dll
) and found the dll file belongs to ATI graphic cards. My PC has an Intel graphic card. While searching for solution I also found this web page and applied solution they used. It works like a charm.
- Download your graphics card driver from intel's website
- Extract the zip somewhere, Location does not matter
- Go into Device Manager, (type Device Manager in the windows search bar)
- Click Display Adapters and Intel HD Graphics.
- Go to the tab labeled "Drivers"
- Click "Update Drivers" and "Browse my computer for drivers"
- Click "Let me pick from a list of drivers"
- Click the Have Disk Button,
- Navigate to where your extracted drivers are and go into the directory labeled "Graphics"
- Select the file named "igdlh64.INF"
- Click on the OK button and then click Next, the drivers should install
- After that you need to reboot, and after rebooting your drivers should be updated
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