
How to add a navigation controller to a view-based application?(如何将导航控制器添加到基于视图的应用程序中?)


是否可以将 UINavigationController 添加到继承自 UIViewController 而不是 UITableViewController 的视图应用程序?是怎么做到的?

Is it possible to add a UINavigationController to a view application that inherits from UIViewController and not UITableViewController? How is it done?


是的,您可以在任何基于视图的应用程序中使用导航控制器,无论是在根级别(例如在 Xcode 中创建基于导航的模板时)还是使用TabBar 根,或任何根.

Yes, you can have Navigation controllers in any view based application, whether at the Root level (like when you create the Navigation-based template in Xcode) or with a TabBar root, or with any Root.


One example, presenting a modal view including navigation (used in my app to display a series of forms):

    UIViewController *control = [[MyViewController alloc] initWithNibName: @"MyViewController" bundle: nil];
    UINavigationController *navControl = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: control];
    [self presentModalViewController: navControl animated: YES];
    [control release];

在另一个例子中,如果你想在根级别拥有它,但没有使用 Navigation 模板创建应用程序,在 AppDelegate 的 didFinishLaunching(...) 中:

In another example, if you want to have it at the root level, but didn't create the application with the Navigation template, in the AppDelegate's didFinishLaunching(...):

    UINavigationController *navControl = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController: control];
    [window setRootViewController: navControl];
    [navControl release];

您也可以在 Interface Builder 中设置它,通过设置您使用的 View 控制器的类(UIViewController 替换为 UINavigationController).

You can also set it in Interface Builder, by setting up the class of the View controller you use (UIViewController replaced by UINavigationController).


I hope this answers your question (sorry about the previous discussion).




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