我有一个关于 UIButton 及其点击区域的问题.我正在使用界面生成器中的信息暗按钮,但我发现点击区域对于某些人的手指来说不够大.
I have a question dealing with UIButton and its hit area. I am using the Info Dark button in interface builder, but I am finding that the hit area is not large enough for some people's fingers.
有没有办法在不改变 InfoButton 图形大小的情况下以编程方式或在 Interface Builder 中增加按钮的点击区域?
因为我使用的是背景图片,所以这些解决方案都不适合我.这是一个解决方案,它可以实现一些有趣的 Objective-c 魔法,并提供了一个使用最少代码的解决方案.
Since I am using a background image, none of these solutions worked well for me. Here is a solution that does some fun objective-c magic and offers a drop in solution with minimal code.
首先,在 UIButton
First, add a category to UIButton
that overrides the hit test and also adds a property for expanding the hit test frame.
@interface UIButton (Extensions)
@property(nonatomic, assign) UIEdgeInsets hitTestEdgeInsets;
#import "UIButton+Extensions.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
@implementation UIButton (Extensions)
@dynamic hitTestEdgeInsets;
static const NSString *KEY_HIT_TEST_EDGE_INSETS = @"HitTestEdgeInsets";
-(void)setHitTestEdgeInsets:(UIEdgeInsets)hitTestEdgeInsets {
NSValue *value = [NSValue value:&hitTestEdgeInsets withObjCType:@encode(UIEdgeInsets)];
-(UIEdgeInsets)hitTestEdgeInsets {
NSValue *value = objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &KEY_HIT_TEST_EDGE_INSETS);
if(value) {
UIEdgeInsets edgeInsets; [value getValue:&edgeInsets]; return edgeInsets;
}else {
return UIEdgeInsetsZero;
- (BOOL)pointInside:(CGPoint)point withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
if(UIEdgeInsetsEqualToEdgeInsets(self.hitTestEdgeInsets, UIEdgeInsetsZero) || !self.enabled || self.hidden) {
return [super pointInside:point withEvent:event];
CGRect relativeFrame = self.bounds;
CGRect hitFrame = UIEdgeInsetsInsetRect(relativeFrame, self.hitTestEdgeInsets);
return CGRectContainsPoint(hitFrame, point);
Once this class is added, all you need to do is set the edge insets of your button. Note that I chose to add the insets so if you want to make the hit area larger, you must use negative numbers.
[button setHitTestEdgeInsets:UIEdgeInsetsMake(-10, -10, -10, -10)];
注意:记得在你的类中导入类别(#import "UIButton+Extensions.h"
Note: Remember to import the category (#import "UIButton+Extensions.h"
) in your classes.