
UIButton title and image alignment query(UIButton标题和图片对齐查询)


我有一个 UIButton,我正在尝试在其上设置标题和图像.

I have a UIButton and I am trying to set a title and an image on it.

我想将 UIButton 的标题对齐到左侧,并将图像对齐到右侧.我正在尝试在时钟应用程序中获取计时器按钮的外观和感觉(显示计时器结束时"的按钮).

I would like to align the title for a UIButton to the left side and place an image aligned to the right. I am trying to get the look and feel of the button in Timer in Clocks app (the one which says "When Timer Ends").

我用 contentHorizo​​ntalAlignmentcontentEdgeInsetstitleEdgeInsetsimageEdgeInsets 来实现我的目标,但无济于事.同样的文档也很少.

I fiddled with contentHorizontalAlignment, contentEdgeInsets, titleEdgeInsets and imageEdgeInsets to achieve my goal, but to no avail. The documentation is also quite sparse for the same.


How can I achieve the same?

还有相关的问题,时钟应用程序中的计时器有两组文本,一组与图像左对齐,另一组右对齐?如何在 UIButton 中做到这一点?(虽然目前我不需要该功能).

Also related questions, Timer in Clocks app has two set of Text, one aligned to the left and other aligned right with the image? How can that be done in a UIButton? ( I do not need that functionality though at the moment).


更改 UIButton 上的 imageEdgeInsets 属性,然后使用 setImage:forState:

Change the imageEdgeInsets property on the UIButton and then just use setImage:forState:




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