我有 plist 文件和数据库,在 plist 文件中有英文字母,在数据库行中有字符串,例如(伦敦),我将字符串转换为字符数组并附加到 plist 文件中.我通过(for 循环)创建了 14 个 UIButton,并从数据库行中获得了 setTitle,并从 plist 中添加了字母并进行了随机播放.
I have plist file and database, in the plist file has English letters and in database row has String for example (London) and I convert String to characters array and appended into plist file. I created 14 UIButtons by (for loop) and I was given setTitle from row of database and given shuffle and adding letters from plist and given shuffle.
但我不仅需要首先将数据库中的所有字符添加到 setTitle 并打乱,其余的空按钮从 plist 文件中添加,如下所示:
let fileName : String = " EnglishLetters"
let fileExt : String = "plist"
let pathRes = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileName, ofType: fileExt)
let pathDict = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: pathRes!)
var letters : [String] = pathDict?.object(forKey: "Letters") as! [String]
for data in listdata { // SQLite database
let dataAnswer = data.ans // ans is a row in the SQLite database
let dataArrayAnswer = dataAnswer.characters.map{String($0)}
letters.append(contentsOf: dataArrayAnswer)
for char in dataArrayAnswer {}
for i in 1...14 {
let tileButton = UIButton(type: .roundedRect)
let lettersAns = dataArrayAnswer.shuffled()[letters.distance(from: id, to: id)] // id is parameter
tileButton.setTitle(lettersAns, for: .normal)
tileButton.titleLabel?.font = UIFont(name: "HelveticaNeueW23forSKY-Bd", size: 15)
tileButton.setTitleColor(.black, for: .normal)
tileButton.setBackgroundImage(UIImage(named: "Cell"), for: .normal)
tileButton.addTarget(self, action: #selector(moveTile(sender:)), for: .touchUpInside)
xAxis = xAxis + buttonWidth + space
if i%7 == 0 {
xAxis = emptySpace / 2
yAxis = yAxis2 + space
What you need to do is first create an array with all your target letters (shuffled and added random letters) and then run over that array to update the button titles.
首先用随机字母填充一个 14 值数组:
Start by filling a 14 value array with random letters:
var presentedLetters : [String] = [String]()
var availableLetters : [String] = pathDict?.object(forKey: "Letters") as! [String]
var availableLetterIndexes : [Int] = Array(0..<availableLetters.count)
for letterAt in 0 ..< 14
let randomIndex : Int = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(availableLetterIndexes.count)))
var charIndex : Int = availableLetterIndexes[randomIndex]
availableLetterIndexes.remove(at: randomIndex)
Generate available positions for the answer string:
var availableIndexes : [Int] = Array(0..<presentedLetters.count)
Then go over your letters from the db and add them in random places inside the target array (while remembering added indexes to prevent overriding letters):
var addedAnswerIndexes : [Int] = [Int]()
let answerString = data.ans // ans is a row in the SQLite database
let answerCharacters = answerString.characters.map{String($0)}
for answerCharAt in answerCharacters
let randomIndex : Int = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(availableIndexes.count)))
var charIndex : Int = availableIndexes[randomIndex]
presentedLetters[charIndex] = answerCharAt
availableIndexes.remove(at: randomIndex)
然后 presentLetters 将有一个包含所有相关值的数组.
And then presentedLetters will have an array of all relevant values.
要给按钮添加标题,只需遍历presentedLetters 数组即可:
To add the titles to the buttons, just go over presentedLetters array:
for i in 1...14 {
let tileButton = UIButton(type: .roundedRect)
tileButton.setTitle(presentedLetters[i-1], for: .normal)
这篇关于Swift 3 - UIButton 从 plist 和数据库添加 setTitle的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!