我在 Google Firebase 文档上阅读过:
I've read on Google Firebase Docs:
Client apps can subscribe to any existing topic, or they can create a new topic.
那么我怎样才能检查有多少现有主题可供我使用?只能通过控制台吗?或者有 API 吗?
So how can I can check how many existing topics are available for me? Is it only through the console? Or is there an API?
正如@FrankvanPuffelen 在评论部分已经提到的,没有可用的 API 来获取您拥有的主题列表.
As already mentioned by @FrankvanPuffelen in the comments section, there is not available API to get a list of Topics you have.
What you could do is keep record of the topics you have created on your server side. So it pretty much depends on your own implementation.
此外,如果您正在考虑检查特定主题的订阅者数量,以便查看哪些订阅者处于活动状态,那么这也是不可能的.请参阅@ArthurThompson 的答案:
Also, if you are thinking of checking the number of subscribers of a specific topic so you can see which ones are active or not, it's also not possible. See this answer by @ArthurThompson:
No. There is no current way to query the number of subscribers to a topic, you would have to maintain the relationship between token and topics on you app server.
这篇关于Firebase 云消息传递 - 检查现有或可用主题的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!