I'm trying to send a message to my push notification test app. It's been working in proof of concept several weeks ago on the same application but not anymore.
我失败了:InvalidApnsCredential 和 Firebase 告诉我们:"无法发送针对 iOS 设备的消息,因为所需的 APNs SSL 证书未上传或已过期.检查您的开发和生产证书的有效性"
I get a failure: InvalidApnsCredential and Firebase tell us : "A message targeted to an iOS device could not be sent because the required APNs SSL certificate was not uploaded or has expired. Check the validity of your development and production certificates"
但是当我检查我的 firebase 控制台时,它告诉我 dev 和 prod 证书的有效期还有 9 个月.
But when I check in my firebase console, it tells me that dev and prod certificate will be valid for 9 more months.
What else could be causing this message?
In case if others are also facing the issue here are few tips:
每当您遇到通知问题时,请尝试通过 Firebase 提供的 GUI 控制台发送推送以发送通知
Whenever you are stuck with notification issues try sending a push via the GUI console that firebase provide to send notifications
如果您在 Appstore 的实时应用没有收到推送通知,而是仅在通过 Xcode 运行时收到通知,那么您还没有将生产证书上传到 Firebase 控制台
If your live app at Appstore is not receiving push notification but is receiving notification only when running via Xcode then you have not uploaded the production certificate to the firebase console
如果您已上传生产证书和开发证书,但仍未收到通知,请下载最新证书并将其再次上传到 Firebase 控制台
If you have uploaded both production and development certificates and still notifications are not received then download the latest certificates and upload them again to the firebase console
这篇关于证书有效时 InvalidApnsCredential的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!