
Group fcm notifications like whatsapp but allowing multiple group notifications(像whatsapp这样的组fcm通知,但允许多个组通知)



I am not sure whether this is entirely possible but I'll state my requirement. If it is possible then kindly help me figure out how to do it.

假设我有一个画廊类型的 Android 应用程序.当用户喜欢或评论图库中的照片时,我们会使用下面给出的代码触发 fcm 通知

Let's say I have a gallery kind of an android app. When the user likes or comments on a photo in the gallery, We'd trigger an fcm notification using the code given below

    NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
            .setStyle(new NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle().bigText(ContentText))

    NotificationManager notificationManager =
            (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);

    notificationManager.notify(value, notificationBuilder.build());

通过添加 InboxStyle,我们可以将通知分组为一个并增加计数.(例如,您有 5 个通知)

By adding InboxStyle we can group notifcations into a single one and just increase the count.(For e.g. You have 5 notifications)

      NotificationCompat.InboxStyle inboxStyle =
                new NotificationCompat.InboxStyle();
            // Sets a title for the Inbox in expanded layout
            inboxStyle.setBigContentTitle("Title - Notification");
            inboxStyle.setSummaryText("You have "+value+" Notifications.");

但我的要求就像为单独的照片单独分组.如果用户留下 2 条评论,每条评论 3 张照片.我需要列出三组通知.更像是您对这张照片有 2 条评论,对这张照片有 2 条评论,以此类推.

But my requirement is like separate grouping for separate photos. If the user leaves 2 comments each for 3 photos. I need three groups of notifications to be listed. More like you have 2 comments on this photo,2 on this and so on.

如果有帮助,我会收到照片的唯一 ID.

I'll be receiving unique ids for the photos,if that helps.

How long will the id be retained?

假设用户对 id 为 001 的照片发表了 2 条评论,而合作伙伴作为一个群组收到通知.

Let's assume the user drops 2 comments on photo with id 001 and the partner receives the notification as a group .

What happens when the user drops another 2 comments on photo with id 002?
Will there be 2 groups?

因为一组 id 为 001 的通知保持不变.

Because a group of notification with id 001 remains untouched.


我会使用 TAG 参数.对于每组消息,您应该使用不同的 TAG.

I would use the TAG parameter. For each group of messages you should use a different TAG.


消息 1)

    "notification": {
        "title": "PhotoApp: photo 123",
        "body": "You have 1 notification",
        "click_action" : "OPEN_MAINACTIVITY",
        "icon": "ic_launcher",
        "color": "#ffffff"
        "tag": "photo123"

消息 2)

    "notification": {
        "title": "PhotoApp: photo ABC",
        "body": "You have 1 notification",
        "click_action" : "OPEN_MAINACTIVITY",
        "icon": "ic_launcher",
        "color": "#ffffff"
        "tag": "photoABC"

消息 3)

    "notification": {
        "title": "PhotoApp: photo 123",
        "body": "You have 2 notifications",
        "click_action" : "OPEN_MAINACTIVITY",
        "icon": "ic_launcher",
        "color": "#ffffff"
        "tag": "photo123"

这将仅显示 2 个通知警报.一个用于 Photo123,显示有 2 个通知(最后一条消息),另一个用于 PhotoABC,显示只有 1 个通知.

This will show only 2 notification alerts. One for Photo123, showing there are 2 notifications (last message), and the other for PhotoABC, showing there is just 1 notification.


The most important thing here is the TAG parameter. It will group notifications as you need,


Hope I made myself clear at it helps you out.


FCM 文档





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