Is there any simple way which can help me to change position of dependent views dynamically using their content size?
I want to show several views in column which all have varying content. And I want them to be placed one after another (I've created layout using constraints which looks like this)
但每当我更改标签内容并调用 sizeToFit
But whenever I change content of labels and call sizeToFit
, system seems to ignore layout.
目前我只对 height 属性感兴趣,我知道也可以使用约束 rect 并且过去我在 UIView 上编写了许多类别来动态更改大小(我想每个人都这样做了).但也许有一个我不知道的简单方法?
At the moment I'm interested only in height property, I know that constraining rect can be used too and in the past I wrote many categories on UIView to change sizes dynamically (I guess everyone did). But maybe there is a simple way which I don't know?
should not be called if you are using auto-layout. That's part of the 'old' system.
看起来 IB 已经在您的约束中插入了明确的高度(标签旁边的竖线表示这一点).尝试选择标签并点击 Cmd+= 清除这些标签.
It looks like IB has inserted explicit heights into your constraints (the vertical bars next to the labels indicate this). Try selecting the labels and hitting Cmd+= to clear these.
For multiline labels you will also need to do the following in your view controller to make everything work correctly when rotating/resizing the view:
- (void)updateLabelPreferredMaxLayoutWidthToCurrentWidth:(UILabel *)label
label.preferredMaxLayoutWidth =
[label alignmentRectForFrame:label.frame].size.width;
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
[self updateLabelPreferredMaxLayoutWidthToCurrentWidth:self.label1];
[self updateLabelPreferredMaxLayoutWidthToCurrentWidth:self.label2];
[self updateLabelPreferredMaxLayoutWidthToCurrentWidth:self.label3];
[self.view layoutSubviews];
多行标签暴露了自动布局的弱点之一.我们必须更新 preferredMaxLayoutWidth
Multiline labels expose one of the weaknesses of auto-layout. We have to update preferredMaxLayoutWidth
to force the label to reflow and adjust its height, otherwise if the view is resized/rotated, auto-layout does not realize the label needs to be reflowed and resized.
这篇关于UILabel sizeToFit 和约束的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!