在 ruby、javascript 等其他动态语言中,您可以这样做:
In other dynamic languages like ruby, javascript etc. you can do simply this:
switch(someString) {
case "foo":
//do something;
case "bar":
// do something else;
// do something by default;
在objective-c 中,因为它是从c 语言派生而来的,所以你不能这样做.我的最佳做法是:
In objective-c, because it's derived very colsely from c language, you can't do that. My best practice for this is:
#import "CaseDemo.h"
#define foo 1
#define bar 2
static NSMutableDictionary * cases;
@implementation CaseDemo
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self != nil) {
if (cases == nil) {
// this dict can be defined as a class variable
cases = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:2];
[cases setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:foo] forKey:@"foo"];
[cases setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:bar] forKey:@"bar"];
return self;
- (void) switchFooBar:(NSString *) param {
switch([[cases objectForKey:param] intValue]) {
case foo:
NSLog(@"its foo");
case bar:
NSLog(@"its bar");
NSLog(@"its default");
似乎没问题,但是#define 使 foo 和 bar 像保留字一样,我不能在我的代码中使用.如果我用类常量替换定义常量,这个问题就解决了,因为在其他类中我必须在常量名之前使用 MyClassName.但是我怎样才能最小化这个简单任务的对象分配呢?有人对此有更好的做法"吗?
It's seems to be ok, but #define makes foo and bar like a reserved word, and I can't use in my code. If I replace define constants with class constants, this problem is fixed, because in other classes I must use MyClassName before the constant name. But how can I minimize the object allocation for this simple task? Someone have a "better practice" for this?
下面的代码是我想做的,但是获取枚举或#define的值有点不舒服.因为我创建了一个只有一个输入的应用程序,我可以在其中编写字符串以获取该哈希并返回到 xcode 并设置枚举的值.所以我的问题是我不能在运行时这样做,因为 switch case 语句的主要行为......或者如果我用 NSDictionary 方式这样做 - >与这个解决方案相比,它有很多开销.
The code below is what I wanted to do, but it's a little bit unconfortable to get the values of the enum or #define. Because I created an application what have just an input where I can write the string to get that hash and go back to xcode and set the values for the enums. So my problem is I can't do that in runtime time, because of the main behavour of switch case statement... Or if I do that with that NSDictionary way -> its have a lot of overhead compared with this solution.
#import "CaseDemo.h"
typedef enum {
foo = 1033772579,
bar = -907719821
} FooBar;
unsigned int APHash(NSString* s)
const char* str = [s UTF8String];
unsigned int len = [s length];
unsigned int hash = 0xAAAAAAAA;
unsigned int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < len; str++, i++)
hash ^= ((i & 1) == 0) ? ( (hash << 7) ^ (*str) * (hash >> 3)) :
(~((hash << 11) + ((*str) ^ (hash >> 5))));
return hash;
@implementation CaseDemo
- (void) switchFooBar:(NSString *) param {
switch(APHash(param)) {
case foo:
NSLog(@"its foo");
case bar:
NSLog(@"its bar");
NSLog(@"its default");
注意:散列函数可以在 common 命名空间的其他地方定义以在任何地方使用它,通常我为这类东西创建一个 Utils.h 或 Common.h.
NOTE: the hash function can defined elsewhere in common namespace to use it anywhere, typically I create a Utils.h or Common.h for this kind of stuff.
注意2:在真实单词"中,我们需要使用一些加密散列函数,但现在我使用了 Arash Partow 的算法来保持示例的简单性.
NOTE2: In "real word" we need to use some cryptographic hashing function, but now I used the algorithm by Arash Partow to keep the example simple.
So, my final question: Is there a way to evaluate these values with the preprocessor somehow? I think no, but maybe? :-)
// !!!!!! I know this code is not working, I don't want comments about "this is wrong" !!!!
// I want a solution to invoke method with preprocessor, or something like that.
typedef enum {
foo = APHash(@"foo"),
bar = APHash(@"bar")
} FooBar;
更新:我找到了一个可能的解决方案",但它似乎只适用于 g++ 4.6>.广义常量表达式 可以做到给我.但是我还在测试中……
UPDATE: I found a "maybe solution" but it seems to be work with g++ 4.6> only. generalized constant expressions may be do it for me. But I'm still testing...
typedef enum {
} FooBar;
- (void) switchFooBar:(NSString *) param {
switch([[cases objectForKey:param] intValue]) {
case foo:
NSLog(@"its foo");
case bar:
NSLog(@"its bar");
NSLog(@"its default");
这篇关于在objective-c中用字符串实现可读的switch case的最佳方法?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!