我有两个选项卡,我在其中添加了两个不同的数据列表,两个选项卡共享一个 recyclerview,所以在我的 viewpager 适配器上,我只需创建一个新实例来填充数据
I have two tabs in which I add two different lists of data, both tabs share a single recyclerview, so at my viewpager adapter, I just create a new instance to populate the data
val allProducts = completeProductList
val productsList = mutableListOf<Products>()
val drinksList = mutableListOf<Products>()
for (product in allProducts) {
if (product.isDrink) {
} else {
viewPagerAdapter.productsList = productsList
viewPagerAdapter.drinksList = drinksList
class PagerAdapter(fragmentActivity: FragmentActivity) :
FragmentStateAdapter(fragmentActivity) {
var productsList: MutableList<Product> = arrayListOf()
var drinksList: MutableList<Product> = arrayListOf()
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
return 2
override fun createFragment(position: Int): Fragment {
return when(position){
0 -> {
else -> {
然后在我的 FragmentProducts
companion object {
fun newInstance(product: MutableList<Product>) = FragmentProducts().apply {
arguments = Bundle().apply {
// I get the product list from the adapter, either drinks or normal products
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
arguments?.let {
productsList = it.getParcelableArrayList<Product>(ARG_PROD)
// Then I just set it up to the shared recyclerview
override fun onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
adapter.productsList = productsList!!
所以,列表显示正确,假设我有两个选项卡,第一个选项卡有 2 个项目,第二个选项卡有 1 个项目,所以,如果我在选项卡 1 上单击项目 1,我会得到它的 id 并获得正确的产品,然后如果我单击选项卡 1 上的项目 2,它也可以工作,当我滑动到选项卡 2 并单击项目 1 时,它将再次正确显示该项目,但是,如果我返回选项卡 1 并单击项目 2,它会抛出一个 IndexOutOfBoundsException
So, the list is displayed correctly, lets say I have two tabs, first tab has 2 items and second tab has 1 item, so, If I click on item 1 at tab 1 I get its id and get the right product, then if I click item 2 on tab 1 it also works, when I swipe to tab 2 and click item 1 it will display correctly again the item, but, if I go back to tab 1 and click item 2 it will throw a IndexOutOfBoundsException
, it seems like when swiping back it takes the latest recyclerview data set
我不知道如何解决这个问题以防止为选项卡 2 创建不同的片段,因为它们显示相同的数据
I dont know how to fix this to prevent creating a different fragment for tab 2 since they show the same data
我需要知道发生了什么,似乎最后一个 FragmentProducts.newInstance(drinksList) 正在替换选项卡 1 处的整个 recyclerview
I need to know what is happening, it seems that the last FragmentProducts.newInstance(drinksList) is replacing the whole recyclerview at tab 1
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException:索引:1,大小:1在 java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:411)在 com.StoreAdapter.getItem(StoreAdapter.kt:45)在 com.FragmentProducts.onCartClick(FragmentProducts.kt:65)在 com.StoreAdapter$StoreViewHolder$bind$1.onClick(StoreAdapter.kt:59)
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1 at java.util.ArrayList.get(ArrayList.java:411) at com.StoreAdapter.getItem(StoreAdapter.kt:45) at com.FragmentProducts.onCartClick(FragmentProducts.kt:65) at com.StoreAdapter$StoreViewHolder$bind$1.onClick(StoreAdapter.kt:59)
StoreAdapter 在这一行出错
StoreAdapter error at this line
fun getItem(position: Int):Product{
return productList[position]
viewPagerAdapter.productsList = productsList
viewPagerAdapter.drinksList = drinksList
如果我在您来到这里时没有理解错误,您的 viewPagerAdapter 已经创建,并且您在适配器中将列表定义为 nonNull (MutableList
If i didn't understand wrong when you came here your viewPagerAdapter already created and you defined your lists as nonNull in adapter( MutableList< Product >).
fun getItem(position: Int):Product{
return productList[position]
例如,此块尝试在创建适配器时和设置数据之前获取位置 1.它会返回 IndexOutOfBoundsException.
For example this block tries to get position 1 when adapter is created and before you set data. It gonna return IndexOutOfBoundsException.
也许您必须尝试在 viewPagerAdapter 的构造函数中移动此列表.
Maybe you must try to move this lists in viewPagerAdapter's constructor.
这篇关于具有两个选项卡的 ViewPager 在滑动和单击时会导致 IndexOutOfBoundsException的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!