如何在 Core Plot 框架中添加图例?
How can I add Legends in Core Plot framework?
I am greatly appreciative of any guidance or help.
目前还没有 Legend 类.有时您可以使用图像来伪造它,但它还没有出现在 Core Plot 中.查看drawmcco评论
Legends 尚未在 Core Plot 中实现.非常欢迎您为框架贡献它们的实现.
Legends have not yet been implemented in Core Plot. You're more than welcome to contribute an implementation of them to the framework.
与此同时,您可以使用 UILabels 和彩色线条构建一个自定义 UIView 作为图形的图例,然后将其作为同级添加到图形中(不是子视图,否则将无法正确呈现)和命令它显示在图表上方.检查 Brad Larson 答案
In the meantime, you could construct a custom UIView with UILabels and colored lines to act as the legend for the graph, then add it as a sibling to the graph (not a subview, or it will not be rendered properly) and order it to show above the graph. Check Brad Larson Answer
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