我在市场上有一个支持多个 APK 的 Android 应用.现在它不支持屏幕分辨率 1080x1920 和密度 441dp 的 Galaxy S4;即该应用程序未在 Galaxy S4 中显示.可能是什么原因???请帮忙????
I am having an Android app in the Market with Multiple APK Support. Now it is not supporting Galaxy S4 with screen resolution 1080x1920 and density 441dp;i.e. the app is not showing in Galaxy S4. What might the reason??? Please help????
清单中使用的过滤器(适用于支持 Galaxy S3(屏幕尺寸 4.8")、Galaxy Nexus(屏幕尺寸 4.65")的 720x1280 分辨率的 apk):兼容屏幕屏幕 android:screenSize="正常" android:screenDensity="xhdpi"兼容屏幕
Filter used in manifest (for apk which is supporting Galaxy S3 (screen size 4.8"), Galaxy Nexus (screen size 4.65") with 720x1280 resolution): compatible-screens screen android:screenSize="normal" android:screenDensity="xhdpi" compatible-screens
Note: screen density of S3 is 306dp and Nexus is 316dp
三星 Galaxy S4 的正确存储桶如下:
The correct bucket for the Samsung Galaxy S4 is as follows:
android:screenSize="normal" />
感谢 CommonsWare 这里.
Credit also given to CommonsWare here.
这篇关于Android App 与三星 Galaxy S4 不兼容的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!