
Android: In app-billing VAT tax(Android:在应用计费增值税)


我已经在我的应用程序中实现了应用内结算,但将应用内购买功能限制在几个国家/地区/货币,因为我知道我的职责是关于增值税的征收和报告.在 Google Play Store 上阅读后,我发现它有点不清楚.

I have implemented In-app billing in my application, but have limited the in-app purchase function to a few countries/currencies, since I'm note sure what my responsibilites are regarding VAT tax collection and reporting. I find it a bit unclear after reading about it on Google Play Store.


I have read that I have to report VAT to Japan manually, so I have disabled In-app billing for this country.

我可以看到 Google Play 为许多国家/地区征税.

I can see that Google Play collect tax for many countries.



I would be happy for any feedback :)


如果是日本和GooglePlay,如果您的收入达到1000万日元(约95 kUSD)的门槛,您必须自己完成整个增值税程序每年,否则您无需采取任何行动.如果你赚了这么多钱,你可能会花钱请税务专家来处理这个问题.

In case of Japan and GooglePlay, you have to do the whole VAT procedure on your own if your income reaches a threshold of 10 million Yen (about 95 kUSD) per year, otherwise no action from your side required. If you make that much money you could probably pay a tax professional to deal with this.


No.6 纳税人属于以下任一类别的企业是需要提交最终申报表的应纳税人".

No.6 Taxable Person Business which falls under either of the following categories is a "Taxable Person" who is required to file the final return.

(1) 在基准期间的应税销售额超过 1000 万日元的企业(参见下图 A),...

(1) Businesses which had a taxable sales amounting to more than 10million yen during the Base Period (See following Figure A), ...




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