我看过很多关于这个的问题,他们似乎都说如果应用程序是付费应用程序,那么 Alpha 和 Beta 测试人员也必须付费才能对其进行测试.
I've looked on SO at a lot of questions regarding this, and they all seem to say that if the app is a paid app, then Alpha and Beta testers will also have to pay to test it.
但是,我天真地希望,由于我阅读的 99% 的答案是 2013 年年中 Alpha/Beta 测试功能首次推出时,也许 Google 已经听取了人们的意见并从那时起改变了这一点.
However, I'm naively hoping that as 99% of the answers I read are from mid 2013 when the Alpha/Beta testing feature first came out, that maybe Google have listened to people and changed this since then.
If not, what are my alternatives? I see them as the following
- 我认为我可以自掏腰包向人们退款,但这意味着 Google 将保留他们 30% 的费用,因此我将为每位测试人员支付 30% 的应用费用.
- 我可以将所有的 apk 都通过电子邮件发送给他们,但这样我就必须在每次更新时都这样做,而不是让 Play 商店为我做这件事.另外,如果我有很多测试人员,发送多封电子邮件可能会很烦人(当然,除非我做了一个巨大的密件抄送)
- 我能否以某种方式在商店中设置两个版本的应用程序,一个称为免费版本,一个称为付费版本.仅将免费版本提供给测试人员,然后删除该应用,并将最终的 apk 推送到付费应用.
我认为 3. 是最好的选择,但这种可能非常常见的情况比我预期的要麻烦得多.
I think 3. is the best option, but more hassle than I'd expect from this presumably very common occurrence.
顺便说一句,我可以就这个问题直接在 Google 联系谁?游戏商店团队的人?你怎么找到那个地址!?
On a side note, who could I contact over this question, directly at Google? Someone at the play store team? How do you even find an address for that!?
更新:当我现在这样做时,我会创建促销代码并将它们提供给我的个人 beta 测试人员.每人花费的时间不会超过 20 秒,所以对于我的人数来说,我对此很满意
UPDATE: When I do this now, I create promo codes and give them to my individual beta testers. It doesn't take more than 20secs per person, so for my number of people I'm good with that
我也遇到了同样的问题,联系了google support,结果是:如果你想让你的测试人员免费测试应用,你必须创建付费应用的免费克隆.
I've had the same problem and contacted the google support, the result was: If you want to let your testers test the app for free, you have to create a free clone of the paid app.
You can find the full question and answer below.
是否可以免费向 alpha/beta 测试用户提供付费应用不创建应用的免费克隆?
Is it possible to offer a paid app for free to alpha/beta test users without creating a free clone of the app?
感谢您就 Beta 版联系 Google Play 开发者支持测试.请注意,一旦您设置了应用程序的价格,您可以随时更改它.但是,一旦您发布了免费申请,您不能将其更改为以后定价时间.目前,这意味着 Alpha 和 Beta 版本必须在如果您想在应用程序到达时为应用程序收费,则至少 0.99 美元生产.Alpha/Beta 测试人员将为此金额付费.我们的确是这是为了防止下载免费应用程序的用户被收费在未来更新期间或在运行时未通过许可检查应用程序.
Thanks for contacting Google Play Developer support about Beta Testing. Please note that once you've set the price of an application, you can change it at any time. However, once you’ve published an application for free, you cannot change it to be priced at a later time. Currently, this means Alpha and Beta versions will have to be at least $0.99 if you want to charge for the app when it goes to Production. Alpha/Beta testers will be charged for this amount. We do this to prevent users who download a free app from being charged during future updates or failing a licensing check when running the app.
如果您想出售以前发布为的应用程序免费,您需要上传新的 APK 并添加价格.虽然你会无法再次上传相同的包名,您将能够上传原始包名称的细微变化.作为一个或者,您也可以为您的免费应用实施应用内计费.
If you'd like to sell an application that was previously published as free, you'll need to upload a new APK and add a price. While you will be unable to upload the same package name again, you will be able to upload a slight variation on the original package name. As an alternative, you may also implement in-app billing for your free app.
We hope this helps answer your question. If we can assist you further, please let us know.
问候,... Google Play 开发者支持
Regards, ... Google Play Developer Support
Update: You can use promo codes to allow testers to access your paid app for free: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/6321495 https://developer.android.com/google/play/billing/billing_promotions.html
这篇关于付费应用可以免费进行 alpha/beta 测试吗的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!