我已经发布了一个 Android 应用.
我可以将安装限制为每个帐户的几个(比如说 2 个)唯一设备吗?
例如,MyBackup Pro 只允许两个唯一的设备.
Google 帮你做到这一点
更具体地说,您似乎想添加一个 DeviceLimiter:
LVL 通过提供 DeviceLimiter 支持按设备许可接口,它声明了一个方法,allowDeviceAccess().当一个LicenseValidator 正在处理来自许可服务器的响应,它调用 allowDeviceAccess(),传递从回应.
如果您不想支持设备限制,则无需进行任何工作 —LicenseChecker 类自动使用默认实现称为 NullDeviceLimiter.顾名思义,NullDeviceLimiter 是一个no-op"类,其 allowDeviceAccess() 方法只返回一个所有用户和设备的 LICENSED 响应.
的源代码 可以在这里找到.
来源几乎解释了您将如何使用 DeviceLimiter 来实现您想要的:
/* 来自服务器的 LICENSED 响应包含一个唯一的用户标识符* <应用程序,用户>一对.开发者可以发送这个标识符* 到他们自己的服务器以及一些设备标识符(一个随机数* 每个应用程序安装生成和存储一次,* {@link android.telephony.TelephonyManager#getDeviceId getDeviceId},* {@link android.provider.Settings.Secure#ANDROID_ID ANDROID_ID} 等).** 用于识别设备的来源越多,就越难识别* 攻击者进行欺骗.
I have published an Android app.
Problem is, if someone buys my app, he can install it on several devices using the same account.
Can I limit the installation to a few (let's say 2) unique devices per account?
If the user wants to use it on another device with the same account, he will have to uninstall from another one first.
For example, MyBackup Pro only allows two unique devices.
How can I achieve this in my app?
Google helps you do this.
This page helps you set it up.
More specifically, it looks like you want to add a DeviceLimiter:
In some cases, you might want your Policy to limit the number of actual devices that are permitted to use a single license. This would prevent a user from moving a licensed application onto a number of devices and using the application on those devices under the same account ID. It would also prevent a user from "sharing" the application by providing the account information associated with the license to other individuals, who could then sign in to that account on their devices and access the license to the application.
The LVL supports per-device licensing by providing a DeviceLimiter interface, which declares a single method, allowDeviceAccess(). When a LicenseValidator is handling a response from the licensing server, it calls allowDeviceAccess(), passing a user ID string extracted from the response.
If you do not want to support device limitation, no work is required — the LicenseChecker class automatically uses a default implementation called NullDeviceLimiter. As the name suggests, NullDeviceLimiter is a "no-op" class whose allowDeviceAccess() method simply returns a LICENSED response for all users and devices.
Caution: Per-device licensing is not recommended for most applications because:
It requires that you provide a backend server to manage a users and devices mapping, and It could inadvertently result in a user being denied access to an application that they have legitimately purchased on another device.
The source code for DeviceLimiter
can be found here.
The source pretty much explains how you'd go about using DeviceLimiter to implement what you want:
/* The LICENSED response from the server contains a user identifier unique to
* the <application, user> pair. The developer can send this identifier
* to their own server along with some device identifier (a random number
* generated and stored once per application installation,
* {@link android.telephony.TelephonyManager#getDeviceId getDeviceId},
* {@link android.provider.Settings.Secure#ANDROID_ID ANDROID_ID}, etc).
* The more sources used to identify the device, the harder it will be for an
* attacker to spoof.
这篇关于在 Android 中限制(限制)每个帐户(由唯一设备确定)的应用安装的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!