
How do I generate a quot;Keystorequot; for Google Play?(如何生成“密钥库?谷歌播放?)


我正在尝试找出将应用上传到 Google Play 的拜占庭流程.

I am trying to figure out the Byzantine process for uploading an app to Google Play.

我正在使用 Phonegap 的 Applaud 系统来生成我的应用程序,为了创建发布版本",我需要生成一个密钥库".

I'm using Phonegap's Applaud system for generating my app, and in order for me to create a "release build", I need to have generated a "Keystore".

但是,当我查看 Google 自己的 Publishing Checklist 时,那里与密钥库"无关.

However, when I look at Google's own Publishing Checklist, there is nothing on it about a "Keystore".

我发现 this answer here on Stack Overflow 用于生成密钥库",理论上应该可以在 Ubuntu 上运行,是我正在使用的:

I found this answer here on Stack Overflow for generating a "Keystore", which theoretically should work on Ubuntu, which is what I'm using:

keytool –genkey –v –keystore just2try.keystore –alias someKindOfName –keyalg RSA –validity 10000

首先,我应该在 someKindOfName 的位置填写什么?我的应用名称?

First, what exactly should I be putting in where it says someKindOfName? The name of my app?


In any case, when I run it, I get this response:

keytool error: java.lang.RuntimeException: Usage error, –genkey is not a legal command

我在 Google 上搜索了解决方案,但我找到的唯一解决方案是针对 Windows 的.

I Googled for solutions, but the only ones I found were for Windows.

有人可以提供或指出一个对用户更友好的分步指南来生成我应该拥有的这个密钥库"吗?一个有适用于 Ubuntu/Linux 的工作命令?

Can someone provide, or point to, a slightly more user friendly step by step guide for generating this "Keystore" thing I'm supposed to have? One with working comands for Ubuntu/Linux?



The command that you have provided for generating the keystore is correct i.e.

keytool -v -genkey -v -keystore just2try.keystore -alias someKindOfName -keyalg RSA -validity 10000

请执行以下操作.不要复制它,因为我相信您看到的错误与某些特殊字符有关.在命令提示符或 shell 中按原样键入整个内容.

Please do the following. Do not copy it, since I believe the error that you are seeing it related to some special characters. Type the whole thing as is in your command prompt or shell.

just2try.keystore 是基于 Java 的密钥库文件的任意名称.您可以像以前一样选择任何名称,或者给它一个您知道可以用来识别密钥库文件的名称.

The just2try.keystore is any name for your Java based keystore file. You can select any name as you have done or give it some name that you know you can identify the keystore file with.

最后,请记住,密钥库就像密钥的集合,其中每个都由名称或别名标识.因此,您应该选择一个您知道标识特定密钥的别名.示例:myorgkey、myandroidappkey 等.

Finally, keep in mind that a keystore is like a collection of keys, where each one is identified by a name or an alias. So you should pick an alias that you know identifies the specific key. Examples : myorgkey, myandroidappkey, etc.

如果您忘记了密钥库中的别名,您可以随时使用 -list 命令查看密钥库中的所有密钥.示例:keytool -v -list -keystore just2try.keystore

In case, you forget what alias' are present in the keystore, you can always use the -list command to see all the keys in the keystore. Example : keytool -v -list -keystore just2try.keystore




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