除了使用 Google 的应用内计费之外,还有其他方法可以避免发布私人信息吗?

Are there alternatives to using Google#39;s in-app-billing , as a way to avoid publishing private info?(除了使用 Google 的应用内计费之外,还有其他方法可以避免发布私人信息吗?)
本文介绍了除了使用 Google 的应用内计费之外,还有其他方法可以避免发布私人信息吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


从今年 9 月 30 日(本月底)开始,Google 将不允许销售应用的开发者和使用应用内结算的开发者在展示其应用的同时不展示其地址.他们是这样写的:

Starting from September 30th this year (end of this month), Google won't allow developers that sell apps and developers that use in-app-billing to show their apps without also showing their address . Here's what they write:

添加物理联系地址 从 2014 年 9 月 30 日开始,您需要将物理地址添加到设置"页面.添加后地址,它将在您应用的详细信息页面上提供给所有用户在谷歌播放.如果您的实际地址发生变化,请务必更新您在设置"页面上的信息.

Add a physical contact address Beginning September 30, 2014, you need to add a physical address to your Settings page. After you've added an address, it will be available on your app's detail page to all users on Google Play. If your physical address changes, make sure to update your information on your Settings page.

如果您有付费应用或包含应用内购买的应用,则必须提供可以联系到您的实际地址,因为您是该内容的卖方,以遵守消费者保护法.如果您没有在帐户中提供实际地址,这可能会导致您的应用正在从 Play 商店中移除.

If you have paid apps or apps with in-app purchases, it's mandatory to provide a physical address where you can be contacted, as you are the seller of that content, to comply with consumer protection laws. If you don't provide a physical address on your account, it may result in your apps being removed from the Play Store.


There are plenty of articles about this new requirement:

  • http://www.androidauthority.com/google-forcing-developers-to-publish-home-addresses-527772/
  • http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/09/18/google-will-now-require-all-app-publishers-with-paid-apps-or-in-app-purchases-to-have-an-address-on-file-in-google-play/
  • http://phandroid.com/2014/09/18/google-play-now-requires-devs-to-make-their-home-address-public/
  • http://www.androidheadlines.com/2014/09/google-play-policy-will-soon-require-physical-address-file-paid-apps-apps-iap.html
  • http://androidandme.com/2014/09/news/googles-insane-new-requirement-forces-app-developers-to-list-a-physical-address/-http://www.greenbot.com/article/2685242/android-developers-must-now-list-physical-address-in-play-store.html
  • http://www.pcworld.com/article/2685242/android-developers-must-now-list-physical-address-in-play-store.html


There are even petitions against it , here:

  • https://www.change.org/p/google-remove-the-need-for-developers-to-reveal-their-physical-addresses-publicly-on-google-play
  • https://www.change.org/p/google-inc-reverse-your-decision-to-require-android-developers-who-sell-apps-on-google-play-to-publicly-disclose-their-physical-address?lang=zh-CN

我已经要求提供解决方案 这里.

And I've requested to have a solution for it here.


As I don't really have a company, I don't like the fact I will actually need to publish my home address.


For me, it's a privacy issue, as I don't always work on the app at home (plus it's more of a hobby).

我的应用 是免费使用的,它有应用内计费,仅用于删除广告.就是这样.

My app is free to use, and it has in-app-billing only used to remove ads. That's it.


It doesn't add any feature when using in-app-billing, and the user is free to pay whatever he wishes, as a donation.


I do not want to publish my address, and according to what I've read, you can't even use a P.O. box (which costs money anyway), as they specifically ask for "Physical address" and not "postal address".

由于我可能无法使用 Google 的应用内结算并避免输入我的家庭住址,因此是否可以(并且合法并根据 Google 的规则)使用其他公司的其他服务?

Since I will probably not be able to use Google's in-app-billing AND avoid putting my home address, is it possible (and legal, and according to Google's rules) to use other services of other companies?


If so, which companies offer similar services?


If not, is there any alternative or a solution to this problem?


Is there maybe a workaround or a loophole that will allow me to publish such apps without the reason to also publish my home address?


是的,有一家公司叫 Stripe提供 API 帮助进行应用内结算,而无需使用 Google 应用内结算.

Yes, there is a company called Stripe that offers an API helps do the in app billing without the need to use the Google in app billing.

对于这方面的法律方面,这取决于您所销售的产品,请从 google play 政策中查看.

EDIT : For the legal aspect of this, it depends on what you are selling , check this from google play policy.

应用购买:从 Google Play 对应用和下载收费的开发者必须使用 Google Play 的支付系统进行收费.应用内购买:在从 Google Play 下载的游戏中提供虚拟商品或货币的开发者必须使用 Google Play 的应用内结算服务作为付款方式.在从 Google Play 下载的另一类应用中提供额外内容、服务或功能的开发者必须使用 Google Play 的应用内结算服务作为付款方式,但以下情况除外:主要是为实物商品或服务付款(例如,购买电影票,或购买价格还包括纸质订阅的出版物);或者用于支付可能在应用程序本身之外消费的数字内容或商品(例如,购买可以在其他音乐播放器上播放的歌曲).

App purchases: Developers charging for apps and downloads from Google Play must do so by using Google Play's payment system. In-app purchases: Developers offering virtual goods or currencies within a game downloaded from Google Play must use Google Play's in-app billing service as the method of payment. Developers offering additional content, services or functionality within another category of app downloaded from Google Play must use Google Play's in-app billing service as the method of payment, except: where payment is primarily for physical goods or services (e.g., buying movie tickets, or buying a publication where the price also includes a hard copy subscription); or where payment is for digital content or goods that may be consumed outside of the app itself (e.g., buying songs that can be played on other music players).


这篇关于除了使用 Google 的应用内计费之外,还有其他方法可以避免发布私人信息吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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