带有 Mockito 间谍的 Robolectric buildActivity()?

Robolectric buildActivity() with Mockito spy?(带有 Mockito 间谍的 Robolectric buildActivity()?)
本文介绍了带有 Mockito 间谍的 Robolectric buildActivity()?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在我看来,使用 Robolectric 的生命周期实用程序(从 Robolectric.buildActivity() 开始)构建 Activity 单元测试和使用 Mockito 间谍监视同一个 Activity 是相互排斥的.

It seems to me that building an Activity unit test with Robolectric's lifecycle utilities (starting with Robolectric.buildActivity()) and spying on the same Activity with a Mockito spy are mutually exclusive.


Because buildActivity() controls the construction of the Activity object, the only place to add a spy for the Activity is after calling buildActivity(). However, the spy doesn't function properly when it's added after the fact.

在监视 ActivityController 生命周期方法的副作用时尤其如此,例如 create()start()恢复().我认为这是因为 ActivityController 持有对真实"Activity 对象的引用,而不是后来添加的间谍.

This is especially true when spying for side effects of ActivityController lifecycle methods such as create(), start() and resume(). I assume this is because the ActivityController holds a reference to the "real" Activity object and not the spy that was added later.

那么有什么方法可以监视正在使用 Robolectric 进行单元测试的 Activity,以便在通过 Robolectric 的 ActivityController 调用生命周期方法时,间谍可以正常工作?

So is there any way to spy an Activity that's being unit tested with Robolectric, such that the spy works properly when calling the lifecycle methods via Robolectric's ActivityController?



The answer is using the reflection to replace the "real" Activity object in ActivityController.

public void someTestMethod() throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
    ActivityController<LoginActivity> ac = Robolectric.buildActivity(LoginActivity.class);
    LoginActivity spiedActivity = spy(ac.get());

    replaceComponentInActivityController(ac, spiedActivity);


    // do your work

public static void replaceComponentInActivityController(ActivityController<?> activityController, Activity activity)
        throws NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
    Field componentField = ComponentController.class.getDeclaredField("component");
    componentField.set(activityController, activity);

我用Robolectric 3.1测试过,没问题.

I test it by Robolectric 3.1, and it's ok.

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