是否有适用于 iPhone 的本机 YAML 库?

Is there a native YAML library for iPhone?(是否有适用于 iPhone 的本机 YAML 库?)
本文介绍了是否有适用于 iPhone 的本机 YAML 库?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在考虑在我的下一个 iPhone 应用程序中使用 YAML,但我一直无法找到要使用的 Objective-C 库.

YAML 的维基百科页面提到一个,但链接已失效.p>

是否有可以将 YAML 解析为原生集合对象(NSArray、NSDictionary 等)的 Objective-C 库?


Syck 的 Cocoa 扩展程序可能正是您要寻找的东西——这就是 Shaggy Frog 提到的图书馆最近似乎生活的地方.

I'm considering using YAML as part of my next iPhone application, but I haven't been able to find an Objective-C library to use.

The Wikipedia page for YAML mentions one, but the link is dead.

Is there an Objective-C library that can parse YAML into native collection objects (NSArray, NSDictionary, etc...)?


The Cocoa extensions for Syck are probably what you're looking for -- it's where the library that Shaggy Frog mentioned seems to be living these days.

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