iOS UITextField 中的密码验证

Password validation in UITextField in iOS(iOS UITextField 中的密码验证)
本文介绍了iOS UITextField 中的密码验证的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我的 iPhone 应用程序中有 1 个 UITextfield 用于密码.

I have 1 UITextfield for password in my iPhone application.


I want to validate this textfield with the following validation.

  • 必须至少为 10 个字符
  • 必须至少包含一个小写字母、一个大写字母、一个数字和一个特殊字符
  • 有效的特殊字符为 – @#$%^&+=^.*(?=.{10,})(?=.*d)(?=.*[az])(?=.*[AZ])(?=.*[@#$%^&+=]).*$

如何限制 UITextField 满足上述要求?

How can I restrict the UITextField with above requirements?


我会这样做.验证应该在用户输入密码时完成,而不是在两者之间.我不会使用 NSRegularExpression.

This is how I would do it. The validation should be done at the end when the user has typed in the password and not in between.I will not be using NSRegularExpression.

-(void)textFieldDidEndEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
   int numberofCharacters = 0;
   BOOL lowerCaseLetter,upperCaseLetter,digit,specialCharacter = 0;
   if([textField.text length] >= 10)
      for (int i = 0; i < [textfield.text length]; i++) 
         unichar c = [textfield.text characterAtIndex:i];
           lowerCaseLetter = [[NSCharacterSet lowercaseLetterCharacterSet] characterIsMember:c];
           upperCaseLetter = [[NSCharacterSet uppercaseLetterCharacterSet] characterIsMember:c];
            digit = [[NSCharacterSet decimalDigitCharacterSet] characterIsMember:c];
            specialCharacter = [[NSCharacterSet symbolCharacterSet] characterIsMember:c];

      if(specialCharacter && digit && lowerCaseLetter && upperCaseLetter)
         //do what u want
         UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Error"
                                                        message:@"Please Ensure that you have at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one digit and one special character"
                                                       delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
        [alert show];

      UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Error"
                                                        message:@"Please Enter at least 10 password"
                                                       delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
        [alert show];


Hope this helps...

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