有没有人知道如何将命令行参数传递给使用 gradle 运行的 Android 仪器测试.使用 -p 参数或 -D 参数调用 gradle connectedInstrumentTest 似乎不起作用.我正在尝试使用 gradle 将命令行参数传递给我的仪器测试.
Does anyone has an idea about how to pass command line arguments to Android instrumentation tests run using gradle. Calling gradle connectedInstrumentTest with -p arguments or -D arguments did n't seem to work .I am trying to pass command line arguments to my instrument test using gradle.
It is possible since 1.3.0 version of plugin according to docs: http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system
现在可以在build.gradle(在 defaultConfig 或 per flavor 中):
It's now possible to specify instrumentation test runner arguments in build.gradle (in defaultConfig or per flavor):
android {
defaultConfig {
testInstrumentationRunnerArguments size: "medium"
This can also be done on the command line:
./gradlew cC -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.size=medium
./gradlew cC -Pandroid.testInstrumentationRunnerArguments.size=medium
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