
Get list of all photo albums and thumbnails for each album(获取所有相册的列表和每个相册的缩略图)


如何获取 iOS 中所有相册的列表?我知道图像选择器必须在某处列出它们,因为它将它们全部显示给用户.拥有相册后,我将如何显示特定相册中所有图像的缩略图?我似乎在文档中找不到任何内容,但我确信一定有办法做到这一点.

How do I get a list of all the photo albums in iOS? I know the image picker has to have a list of them somewhere since it displays them all to the user. Once I have the photo albums, how would I go about displaying thumbnails of all the images in a particular album? I can't seem to find anything in the docs, but I'm sure there's got to be a way to do it.


如果这是您所要求的,您无法从 UIImagePickerController 获取此类信息.

You can't get that kind of information from UIImagePickerController if that is what you are asking.

看看 AssetsLibrary 框架.甚至还有示例代码 实现自定义图像选择器.

Take a look at AssetsLibrary framework. There is even sample code that implements a custom image picker.




How to get thumbnails of audio files by using MediaStore(如何使用MediaStore获取音频文件的缩略图)
How do I get a thumbnail or saveable path from UIImagePickerController to use for a UIImageView?(如何从 UIImagePickerController 获取缩略图或可保存路径以用于 UIImageView?)
Android - Best way to overlay a play button on an image/thumbnail(Android - 在图像/缩略图上叠加播放按钮的最佳方式)