将 uibutton 的标题设置为 u25C0 会导致它在 iOS5 中具有蓝色背景,但在 iOS4.3 中则没有.
Setting the title of a uibutton to u25C0 causes it to have a blue background in iOS5 but not in iOS4.3.
奇怪的是,将标题设置为 u25C2,每行 2 个字符,按预期显示.去图.我稍后会附上一张图片.
Strangely enough setting the title to u25C2, 2 characters a head in line, appears as expected. Go fig. I will be attaching an image later.
顺便说一句,这个蓝色按钮当前是否在任何 Apple 应用程序中使用?
As a side note is this blue button currently in use in any Apple apps?
左:iOS 5右:iOS 3.2
Left : iOS 5 Right : iOS 3.2
这是通过将标题设置为前面所述的 unicode 字符来完成的.
This was done by setting the title to the unicode character stated earlier.
需要适当设置字体.您看到的蓝色图标是 Apple Color Emoji 字体中的 U+25C0.我不确定 iOS 上还有哪些其他字体包含您想要的符号,但如果您找到该字体并明确设置它,那么它应该呈现您想要的图标.
You need to set the font appropriately. The blue icon you're seeing is U+25C0 in the Apple Color Emoji font. I'm not sure what other fonts on iOS include the symbol you want, but if you find that font and set it explicitly then it should render the icon you want.
这篇关于iOS5 中 Unicode 字符的绘制方式不同的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!