

How do you test if something is older than 3 months?(你如何测试东西是否超过 3 个月?)
Select a specific column based on another column#39;s value(根据另一列的值选择特定列)
TSQL - How to URL Encode(TSQL - 如何 URL 编码)
T-SQL average rounded to the closest integer(T-SQL 平均值四舍五入到最接近的整数)
How to see contents of Check Constraint(如何查看检查约束的内容)
SQL assign variable with subquery(SQL 使用子查询分配变量)
SQL replace dot with comma(SQL用逗号替换点)
sql select records having count gt; 1 where at lease one record has value(sql选择具有计数的记录1 至少有一条记录有价值)
How to rename the Physical Database Files(如何重命名物理数据库文件)
Case statement for Order By clause with Desc/Asc sort(带有 Desc/Asc 排序的 Order By 子句的 Case 语句)