

SQL BETWEEN Operator conditional value in Reverse Order(SQL BETWEEN 逆序运算符条件值)
Order by x then order by y column in SQL Server(在 SQL Server 中按 x 排序,然后按 y 列排序)
SQL Server 2008 version of OVER(... Rows Unbounded Preceding)(SQL Server 2008 版OVER(... Rows Unbounded Preceding))
TSQL CHECKSUM conundrum(TSQL 校验和难题)
Safe-casting text to XML(将文本安全转换为 XML)
Check if string is SQL Server Reserved Keywords or not(检查字符串是否为 SQL Server 保留关键字)
Temp table to Master table insert or update with auditing and logging(临时表到主表插入或更新审计和日志记录)
How to select only year from a Date Time TSQL(如何从日期时间 TSQL 中仅选择年份)
T-SQL Find char string and take all char to right of expression(T-SQL 查找字符字符串并将所有字符移到表达式的右侧)
How to use EXEC or sp_executeSQL without looping in this case?(在这种情况下如何使用 EXEC 或 sp_executeSQL 而不循环?)