Efficient substring search in a large text file containing 100 millions strings(no duplicate string)(在包含 1 亿个字符串的大型文本文件中进行高效的子字符串搜索(无重复字符串))
Situations to prefer Apache Lucene over Solr?(在 Solr 上更喜欢 Apache Lucene 的情况?)
Searching on date ranges with Lucene in Java?(在 Java 中使用 Lucene 搜索日期范围?)
How to search fields with wildcard and spaces in Hibernate Search(如何在 Hibernate Search 中使用通配符和空格搜索字段)
Lucene - retrieve all values for a multi-valued field in a document(Lucene - 检索文档中多值字段的所有值)
Term frequency in Lucene 4.0(Lucene 4.0 中的词频)
How to perform nested aggregation on multiple fields in Solr?(如何对 Solr 中的多个字段执行嵌套聚合?)
Solr: How to dynamically elevate limited number of documents? Has QueryElevationComponent to be modified?(Solr:如何动态提升有限数量的文档?QueryElevationComponent 是否需要修改?)
Lucene JDBC Directory(Lucene JDBC 目录)
Lucene search results sort by custom order list (unique to each user)(Lucene 搜索结果按自定义订单列表排序(每个用户唯一))