Tap outside Android dialog to dismiss it?(点击 Android 对话框外部以将其关闭?)
How to get dialog size?(如何获得对话框大小?)
GUI in java quot;go to previous/nextquot; option?(java中的GUI“转到上一个/下一个选项?)
Add multiple choice to Dialog and make it functioning(向 Dialog 添加多项选择并使其正常运行)
Styling Text in a Dialog List(在对话框列表中设置文本样式)
Situations to prefer Apache Lucene over Solr?(在 Solr 上更喜欢 Apache Lucene 的情况?)
How to perform nested aggregation on multiple fields in Solr?(如何对 Solr 中的多个字段执行嵌套聚合?)
Solr: How to dynamically elevate limited number of documents? Has QueryElevationComponent to be modified?(Solr:如何动态提升有限数量的文档?QueryElevationComponent 是否需要修改?)
Lucene JDBC Directory(Lucene JDBC 目录)
Lucene search results sort by custom order list (unique to each user)(Lucene 搜索结果按自定义订单列表排序(每个用户唯一))