Java:一个“主要"的数或“二的幂"作为 H

Java: A quot;primequot; number or a quot;power of twoquot; as HashMap size?(Java:一个“主要的数或“二的幂作为 HashMap 的大小?)
本文介绍了Java:一个“主要"的数或“二的幂"作为 HashMap 的大小?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


许多书籍和教程都说哈希表的大小必须是素数,才能在所有桶中均匀分布密钥.但是 Java 的 HashMap 总是使用 2 的幂的大小.不应该使用素数吗?哈希表大小是素数"还是2 的幂"哪个更好?

Many books and tutorials say that the size of a hash table must be a prime to evenly distribute the keys in all the buckets. But Java's HashMap always uses a size that is a power of two. Shouldn't it be using a prime? What's better, a "prime" or a "power of two" as the hash table size?


使用 2 的幂可以有效地屏蔽哈希码的最高位.因此,在这种情况下,质量差的哈希函数可能会表现得特别糟糕.

Using a power of two effectively masks out top bits of the hash code. Thus a poor-quality hash function might perform particularly badly in this scenario.

Java 的 HashMap 通过不信任对象的 hashCode() 实现和 对其结果应用第二级散列:

Java's HashMap mitigates this by mistrusting the object's hashCode() implementation and applying a second level of hashing to its result:

对给定的 hashCode 应用补充散列函数,以防止质量差的散列函数.这很关键,因为 HashMap 使用长度为二的幂的哈希表,否则会遇到低位没有差异的 hashCode 的冲突.

Applies a supplemental hash function to a given hashCode, which defends against poor quality hash functions. This is critical because HashMap uses power-of-two length hash tables, that otherwise encounter collisions for hashCodes that do not differ in lower bits.

如果你有一个很好的散列函数,或者做一些类似于 HashMap 所做的事情,你是否使用素数等作为表大小都没有关系.

If you have a good hash function, or do something similar to what HashMap does, it does not matter whether you use prime numbers etc as the table size.


If, on the other hand, the hash function is of unknown or poor quality, then using a prime number would be a safer bet. It will, however, make dynamically-sized tables tricker to implement, since all of a sudden you need to be able to produce prime numbers instead of just multiplying the size by a constant factor.

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