
Java many to many association map(Java多对多关联图)


我有两个类,ClassAClassB,还有一个多对多"AssociationClass.我想要一个保存 A 和 B 之间关联的结构,以便我可以找到 A 或 B 的每个实例的对应项.

I have two classes, ClassA and ClassB, as well as a "many to many" AssociationClass. I want a structure that holds the associations between A and B so that I can find the counterpart for each instance of A or B.

我想过使用带有对键的 Hashmap:

I thought of using a Hashmap, with pair keys:

Hasmap<Pair<ClassA, ClassB>, AssociationClass> associations;

这样,我可以添加和删除 ClassAClassB 的两个实例之间的关联,并且可以查询两个给定实例的关系.

This way, I can add and remove an association between two instances of ClassA and ClassB, and I can query a relation for two given instances.

但是,我错过了为 ClassAClassB 的给定实例定义所有关联的功能.

However, I miss the feature of getting all associations defined for a given instance of ClassA or ClassB.


I could do it by brute force and loop over all keys of the map to search for associations between a given instance, but this is inefficient and not elegant.


Do you know of any data structure / free library that enables this? I don't want to reinvent the wheel.

注意:这不是一个数据库"问题.这些对象是用于实时计算的纯 POJO,我不需要持久性的东西.

NB: This is not a "database" question. These objects are pure POJO used for live computation, I don't need persistence stuff.




I finally reinvented the wheel ... I have written a generic class for holding associations. I use two maps of maps, synchronized.


The associations holder provides the following methods

void setAssociation(LeftClass left, RightClass right, AssociationClass assoc);
AssociationClass getAssociation(LeftClass left, RightClass right);
Map<RightClass, AssociationClass> getAssocationsLeft(LeftClass left);
Map<LeftClass, AssociationClass> getAssocationsRight(RightClass right); 
void removeAssociation(LeftClass left, RightClass right);


import java.util.HashMap;

/** This class holds many to many associations between two classes. */
public class AssociationHolder<LeftClass, RightClass, AssociationClass> {

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Attributes
    // -------------------------------------------------------

    private HashMap<LeftClass, HashMap<RightClass, AssociationClass>> associationsLeft = 
        new HashMap<LeftClass, HashMap<RightClass,AssociationClass>>();
    private HashMap<RightClass, HashMap<LeftClass, AssociationClass>> associationsRight = 
        new HashMap<RightClass, HashMap<LeftClass,AssociationClass>>();     

    // -------------------------------------------------------
    // Methods
    // -------------------------------------------------------

     *  Set an association between two instance.
     *  Any prior association is overwritten.
    public void setAssociation(LeftClass left, RightClass right, AssociationClass association) {

        // Get the map for the left 
        HashMap<RightClass, AssociationClass> leftMap = this.associationsLeft.get(left);

        // No association defined yet for this left key ? => Create new map
        if (leftMap == null) {
            leftMap = new HashMap<RightClass, AssociationClass>();
            this.associationsLeft.put(left, leftMap);

        // Get the map for the right 
        HashMap<LeftClass, AssociationClass> rightMap = this.associationsRight.get(right);

        // No association defined yet for this right key ? => Create new map
        if (rightMap == null) {
            rightMap = new HashMap<LeftClass, AssociationClass>();
            this.associationsRight.put(right, rightMap);

        // Set the assoication on both maps
        leftMap.put(right, association);
        rightMap.put(left, association);        


    /** @return null if no association found. */
    public AssociationClass getAssociation(LeftClass left, RightClass right) {

        // Use left maps (could have used the right one as well)
        HashMap<RightClass, AssociationClass> leftMap = this.associationsLeft.get(left);
        if (leftMap == null) return null;
        return leftMap.get(right);

    /** Get all associations defined for a given Left instance.  */
    public HashMap<RightClass, AssociationClass> getAssociationsLeft(LeftClass left) {

        HashMap<RightClass, AssociationClass> leftMap = this.associationsLeft.get(left);

        // No map defined ? return empty one instead of null
        if (leftMap == null) {
            return new HashMap<RightClass, AssociationClass>();
        } else {
            return leftMap;

    /** Get all associations defined for a given Right instance.  */
    public HashMap<LeftClass, AssociationClass> getAssociationsRight(RightClass right) {

        HashMap<LeftClass, AssociationClass> rightMap = this.associationsRight.get(right);

        // No map defined ? return empty one instead of null
        if (rightMap == null) {
            return new HashMap<LeftClass, AssociationClass>();
        } else {
            return rightMap;

     *  Remove an association between two instances.
    public void removeAssociation(LeftClass left, RightClass right) {
        HashMap<RightClass, AssociationClass> leftMap = this.getAssociationsLeft(left);
        HashMap<LeftClass, AssociationClass> rightMap = this.getAssociationsRight(right);


I hope this can help someone in the future.




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