导入项目给 Unable to resolve target 'android-7'

Importing project gave Unable to resolve target #39;android-7#39;(导入项目给 Unable to resolve target android-7)
本文介绍了导入项目给 Unable to resolve target 'android-7'的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


这个应用程序是我大约一年前完成的(!),但从未在市场上推出过.我现在正在尝试在 Eclipse 中打开它,以进行一些小的修改并稍微处理代码.所以我导入了它,然后发现这个奇怪的无法解析目标"错误.它突出显示了我所有src"文件中的每个类红色.

This app I completed around a year ago (!) but never launched it on the market place. I am trying to open it up in eclipse now to make some small modifications and work on the code a little bit. So I imported it and then found this weird "unable to resolve target" error. It's highlighting every class red in all my 'src' files.

我看过一个类似的问题,它说要将该行添加到 default.properties 文件中.我的项目有一个 project.properties 文件,其中包含以下行:

I've looked at a similar question which said to add the line to default.properties file. My project has a project.properties file which has the line:


任何建议如何让它工作?我总是可以开始一个新项目并复制所有的 src 文件,但这会很蹩脚且浪费时间.

Any advice how to get this to work? I could always start a new project and just copy all the src files but that would be pretty lame and time-wasting.

还有一条评论 - 我正在一台新计算机上进行开发,但我认为我没有 API 级别 7.这可能是问题吗?我已经进入了 Window --> Android SDK Manager,它显示的最旧的可用 API 是 8 级.但 7 级意味着我可以针对更多设备,所以我想使用它.

One more comment - I'm developing on a new computer and I don't think I have the API level 7. Could that be the problem? I've gone into Window --> Android SDK Manager and the oldest available API it shows is level 8. But level 7 will mean I can target more devices I think so I'd like to go with that.



嗯,是的,这就是你的问题.您没有下载 API 级别 7.您可以右键单击该项目并转到属性-> android 并选择另一个可用的 API.只要您不更改清单中的 min sdk 版本,您的目标设备仍然与以前一样多.

Well, yes that is your problem. You don't have the API level 7 downloaded. You can right click the project and go properties->android and select another available API. As long as you don't change the min sdk version in your manifest you are still targeting as many devices as before.

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="7"/>


您不必这样做,但您可以在 SDK 存档上获取较旧的 API页面

You don't have to do this, but you can get the older APIs on the SDK Archives page


I don't know if there is any official source for the next statement but that is what I found while working. If anybody can complete this with a better answer I would appreciate it very much.

只要不使用任何与之前版本不兼容的代码,您就可以使用较新的 SDK 版本编译代码.

You can compile the code with a newer SDK version as long as you don't use any code not compatible to the previous ones.


我希望我的应用可用于 API 级别 7.但我只安装了 API 级别 15.只要我在 Manifest 中保留 minSdkVersion="7" 并且不使用以前 API 中不可用的任何资源,该应用程序就可以在我的目标设备上正常运行.

I want my app to be available for API level 7. But i only have API level 15 installed. As long as I keep the minSdkVersion="7" in my Manifest and don't use any resource not available in the previous APIs the app will work just fine on my targeted devices.

这篇关于导入项目给 Unable to resolve target 'android-7'的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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