我试图将每个案例的行数限制为 5 行.有些案例只有 1 或 2 行,但有些案例有 15 行或更多.
I am trying to limit the number of rows per case to only 5 rows. Some cases have only 1 or 2 rows but some have 15 or more.
This is an example of a stored procedure that I am using to count the number of rows per case.
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(partition by rce.reportruncaseid ORDER BY rce.Reportruncaseid) AS Row, rce.ReportRunCaseId AS CaseId, YEAR(rce.EcoDate) AS EcoYear
FROM PhdRpt.ReportCaseList AS rcl INNER JOIN
PhdRpt.RptCaseEco AS rce ON rce.ReportId = rcl.ReportId AND rce.ReportRunCaseId = rcl.ReportRunCaseId
GROUP BY rce.ReportId, rce.ReportRunCaseId, YEAR(rce.EcoDate)
Order by rce.ReportRunCaseId, YEAR(rce.EcoDate)
Here is a screenshot of what this stored procedure produces: screenshot
我尝试使用 where 子句,但它不允许我在 where 子句之后放置窗口函数.它也无法识别我的Row"别名.
I have tried to use the where clause but it will not allow me to place a window function after the where clause. It also does not recognize my "Row" alias.
是否有另一种方法来计算每个案例的数量或行数(而不是窗口函数),以便我可以使用 where 子句?或者有没有办法使用我现有的存储过程将每个案例的记录限制为 5 个?
Is there another way to count the number or rows per case (instead of a window function) so that I can use the where clause? Or is there a way to limit the records per case to 5 using my existing stored procedure?
您可以将语句包装在 CTE
中,因为 SQL Server
You can wrap your statement in a CTE
since SQL Server
supports it.
WITH records
ORDER BY rce.Reportruncaseid) AS Row,
rce.ReportRunCaseId AS CaseId,
YEAR(rce.EcoDate) AS EcoYear
FROM PhdRpt.ReportCaseList AS rcl
INNER JOIN PhdRpt.RptCaseEco AS rce
ON rce.ReportId = rcl.ReportId
AND rce.ReportRunCaseId = rcl.ReportRunCaseId
GROUP BY rce.ReportId, rce.ReportRunCaseId, YEAR(rce.EcoDate)
SELECT CaseId, EcoYear
FROM records
WHERE row <= 10
ORDER BY CaseId, EcoYear
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