我有一个 MySQL 表,其主键字段开启了 AUTO_INCREMENT.在阅读了这里的其他帖子后,我注意到有人遇到了同样的问题,答案也各不相同.有些人建议不要使用此功能,有些人则表示无法修复".
I have a MySQL table with a primary key field that has AUTO_INCREMENT on. After reading other posts on here I've noticed people with the same problem and with varied answers. Some recommend not using this feature, others state it can't be 'fixed'.
table: course
fields: courseID, courseName
示例:表中的记录数:18.如果我删除记录 16、17 和 18 - 我希望输入的下一条记录的 courseID 为 16,但是它将是 19,因为最后输入的 courseID 是 18.
Example: number of records in the table: 18. If I delete records 16, 17 and 18 - I would expect the next record entered to have the courseID of 16, however it will be 19 because the last entered courseID was 18.
我的 SQL 知识并不惊人,但是否可以通过查询(或 phpMyAdmin 界面中的设置)刷新或更新此计数?
My SQL knowledge isn't amazing but is there anyway to refresh or update this count with a query (or a setting in the phpMyAdmin interface)?
This table will relate to others in a database.
Given all the advice, I have decided to ignore this 'problem'. I will simply delete and add records whilst letting the auto increment do it's job. I guess it doesn't really matter what the number is since it's only being used as a unique identifier and doesn't have a (as mentioned above) business meaning.
For those who I may have confused with my original post: I do not wish to use this field to know how many records I have. I just wanted the database to look neat and have a bit more consistency.
您尝试做的事情听起来很危险,因为那不是 AUTO_INCREMENT
What you're trying to do sounds dangerous, as that's not the intended use of AUTO_INCREMENT
如果您真的想找到最低的未使用密钥值,请完全不要使用 AUTO_INCREMENT
If you really want to find the lowest unused key value, don't use AUTO_INCREMENT
at all, and manage your keys manually. However, this is NOT a recommended practice.
退一步问为什么需要回收键值?" 未签名的INT
Take a step back and ask "why you need to recycle key values?" Do unsigned INT
) not provide a large enough key space?
你真的会拥有更多 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
Are you really going to have more than 18,446,744,073,709,551,615
unique records over the course of your application's lifetime?