我有一个动态查询 @strQuery
I have a dynamic query @strQuery
which on executing gives a result with lots of column.
I want to insert the result from this dynamic query into a temporary table .
I am doing this because I want to perform some filtering on the temporary table and get required result .
在之前的帖子中提出了类似的问题 HERE其中先创建一个临时表,然后使用INSERT INTO
A similar question was asked on previous thread HERE
in which a temporary table is created first and then data inserted using INSERT INTO
I want to avoid this step due to long list of columns and also the datatypes of fields is not known to me.
select * into #tmh from
How to do this ? Is it possible to be done in this way ? If not , please specify some other alternative to get store the result on executing dynamic query into a table. Thanks.
I have faced this situation before and here is what I did:
DECLARE @strQuery nVarchar(100)
SET @strQuery='SELECT * into [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable] FROM YourTable'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @strQuery
SELECT * FROM [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
DROP TABLE [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
它工作正常.不要问我为什么是 FQ 表名而不是 #temptable.我不知道.这是行不通的.我让它工作的唯一方法是使用 [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]
It works fine. Don't ask me why a FQ table name and not #temptable. I have no idea. It does not work. The only way I could get it working was using [tempdb].[dbo].[temptable]