I have a view defined like this:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[PossiblyMatchingContracts] AS
CC.UniqueID AS PossiblyMatchingContracts
FROM [dbo].AllContracts AS C
INNER JOIN [dbo].AllContracts AS CC
ON C.SecondaryMatchCodeFB = CC.SecondaryMatchCodeFB
OR C.SecondaryMatchCodeLB = CC.SecondaryMatchCodeLB
OR C.SecondaryMatchCodeBB = CC.SecondaryMatchCodeBB
OR C.SecondaryMatchCodeLB = CC.SecondaryMatchCodeBB
OR C.SecondaryMatchCodeBB = CC.SecondaryMatchCodeLB
SELECT UniqueID FROM [dbo].DefinitiveMatches
AND C.AssociatedUser IS NULL
AND C.UniqueID <> CC.UniqueID
这基本上是寻找合同,其中 f.e.名字和生日匹配.这很好用.现在我想为每一行添加一个综合属性,其中的值仅来自一个源行.
Which is basically finding contracts where f.e. the first name and the birthday are matching. This works great. Now I want to add a synthetic attribute to each row with the value from only one source row.
Let me give you an example to make it clearer. Suppose I have the following table:
UniqueID | FirstName | LastName | Birthday
1 | Peter | Smith | 1980-11-04
2 | Peter | Gray | 1980-11-04
3 | Peter | Gray-Smith| 1980-11-04
4 | Frank | May | 1985-06-09
5 | Frank-Paul| May | 1985-06-09
6 | Gina | Ericson | 1950-11-04
UniqueID | PossiblyMatchingContracts | SyntheticID
1 | 2 | PeterSmith1980-11-04
1 | 3 | PeterSmith1980-11-04
2 | 1 | PeterSmith1980-11-04
2 | 3 | PeterSmith1980-11-04
3 | 1 | PeterSmith1980-11-04
3 | 2 | PeterSmith1980-11-04
4 | 5 | FrankMay1985-06-09
5 | 4 | FrankMay1985-06-09
6 | NULL | NULL [or] GinaEricson1950-11-04
请注意 SyntheticID 列仅使用匹配源行之一的值.哪一个都无所谓.我将此视图导出到另一个应用程序,之后需要能够识别每个匹配组".
Notice that the SyntheticID column uses ONLY values from one of the matching source rows. It doesn't matter which one. I am exporting this view to another application and need to be able to identify each "match group" afterwards.
明白我的意思了吗?任何想法如何在 sql 中完成?
Is it clear what I mean? Any ideas how this could be done in sql?
Maybe it helps to elaborate a bit on the actual use case:
我正在从不同系统导入合同.考虑到拼写错误或已婚但姓氏仅在一个系统中更新的人的可能性,我需要找到所谓的可能匹配".如果两个或多个合同包含相同的生日加上相同的名字、姓氏或出生姓名,则它们被视为可能匹配.这意味着,如果合约 A 匹配合约 B,则合约 B 也匹配合约 A.
I am importing contracts from different systems. To account for the possibility of typos or people that have married but the last name was only updated in one system, I need to find so called 'possible matches'. Two or more contracts are considered a possible match if they contain the same birthday plus the same first, last or birth name. That implies, that if contract A matches contract B, contract B also matches contract A.
目标系统使用多值引用属性来存储这些关系.最终目标是为这些合约创建用户对象.首先要注意的是,对于多个匹配的合约,它应该只是一个用户对象.因此,我在视图中创建这些匹配项.第二个问题是,用户对象的创建是通过工作流进行的,每个合约并行运行.为避免为匹配合约创建多个用户对象,每个工作流都需要检查是否已经存在匹配的用户对象或另一个工作流,即将创建该用户对象.由于工作流引擎与 sql 相比非常慢,因此工作流不应重复整个匹配测试.所以这个想法是,让工作流只检查syntheticID".
The target system uses multivalue reference attributes to store these relationships. The ultimate goal is to create user objects for these contracts. The catch first is, that the shall only be one user object for multiple matching contracts. Thus I'm creating these matches in the view. The second catch is, that the creation of user objects happens by workflows, which run parallel for each contract. To avoid creating multiple user objects for matching contracts, each workflow needs to check, if there is already a matching user object or another workflow, which is about to create said user object. Because the workflow engine is extremely slow compared to sql, the workflows should not repeat the whole matching test. So the idea is, to let the workflow check only for the 'syntheticID'.
I have solved it with a multi step approach:
- 为每个合同创建可能的第一级匹配列表
- 创建基本组列表,为其分配不同的组每个合同(好像它们与任何人都没有关系)
- 当需要更多合约时,迭代匹配列表更新组列表加入群组
- 从最终组列表中递归构建 SyntheticID
- 输出结果
First of all, let me explain what I have understood, so you can tell if my approach is correct or not.
1) 匹配在级联"中传播
1) matching propagates in "cascade"
我的意思是,如果Peter Smith"与Peter Gray"归为一组,则意味着所有 Smith 和所有 Gray 都是相关的(如果他们的出生日期相同),因此 Luke Smith 可以属于 John 的同一组灰色
I mean, if "Peter Smith" is grouped up with "Peter Gray", it means that all Smith and all Gray are related (if they have the same birth date) so Luke Smith can be in the same group of John Gray
2) 我不明白你说的出生名"是什么意思
2) I have not understood what you mean with "Birth Name"
当 FirstName 是 Frank-Paul 时,这意味着它应该同时匹配 Frank 和 Paul?
当姓氏是 Gray-Smith 时,这意味着它应该同时匹配 Gray 和 Smith?
You say contracts matches on "first, last or birth name", sorry, I'm italian, I thought birth name and first were the same, also in your data there is not such column. Maybe it is related to that dash symbol between names?
When FirstName is Frank-Paul it means it should match both Frank and Paul?
When LastName is Gray-Smith it means it should match both Gray and Smith?
In following code I have simply ignored this problem, but it could be handled if needed (I already did a try, breaking names, unpivoting them and treating as double match).
declare @cli as table (UniqueID int primary key, FirstName varchar(20), LastName varchar(20), Birthday varchar(20))
declare @comb as table (id1 int, id2 int, done bit)
declare @grp as table (ix int identity primary key, grp int, id int, unique (grp,ix))
declare @str_id as table (grp int primary key, SyntheticID varchar(1000))
declare @id1 as int, @g int
t as (
select *
from (values
(1 , 'Peter' , 'Smith' , '1980-11-04'),
(2 , 'Peter' , 'Gray' , '1980-11-04'),
(3 , 'Peter' , 'Gray-Smith', '1980-11-04'),
(4 , 'Frank' , 'May' , '1985-06-09'),
(5 , 'Frank-Paul', 'May' , '1985-06-09'),
(6 , 'Gina' , 'Ericson' , '1950-11-04')
) x (UniqueID , FirstName , LastName , Birthday)
insert into @cli
select * from t
p as(select UniqueID, Birthday, FirstName, LastName from @cli),
m as (
select p.UniqueID UniqueID1, p.FirstName FirstName1, p.LastName LastName1, p.Birthday Birthday1, pp.UniqueID UniqueID2, pp.FirstName FirstName2, pp.LastName LastName2, pp.Birthday Birthday2
from p
join p pp on (pp.Birthday=p.Birthday) and (pp.FirstName = p.FirstName or pp.LastName = p.LastName)
where p.UniqueID<=pp.UniqueID
insert into @comb
select UniqueID1,UniqueID2,0
from m
insert into @grp
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id1), id1 from @comb where id1=id2
Step Three: Iterate the matches list updating the group list Only loop on contracts that have possible matches and updates only if needed
set @id1 = 0
while not(@id1 is null) begin
set @id1 = (select top 1 id1 from @comb where id1<>id2 and done=0)
if not(@id1 is null) begin
set @g = (select grp from @grp where id=@id1)
update g set grp= @g
from @grp g
inner join @comb c on g.id = c.id2
where c.id2<>@id1 and c.id1=@id1
and grp<>@g
update @comb set done=1 where id1=@id1
第四步:建立 SyntheticID递归地将组的所有(不同的)名字和姓氏添加到 SyntheticID.
Step Four: Build up the SyntheticID
Recursively add ALL (distinct) first and last names of group to SyntheticID.
I used '_' as separator for birth date, first names and last names, and ',' as separator for the list of names to avoid conflicts.
c as(
select c.*, g.grp
from @cli c
join @grp g on g.id = c.UniqueID
d as (
select *, row_number() over (partition by g order by t,s) n1, row_number() over (partition by g order by t desc,s desc) n2
from (
select distinct c.grp g, 1 t, FirstName s from c
select distinct c.grp, 2, LastName from c
) l
r as (
select d.*, cast(CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), t.Birthday, 112) + '_' + s as varchar(1000)) Names, cast(0 as bigint) i1, cast(0 as bigint) i2
from d
join @cli t on t.UniqueID=d.g
where n1=1
union all
select d.*, cast(r.names + IIF(r.t<>d.t,'_',',') + d.s as varchar(1000)), r.n1, r.n2
from d
join r on r.g = d.g and r.n1=d.n1-1
insert into @str_id
select g, Names
from r
where n2=1
select c.UniqueID, case when id2=UniqueID then id1 else id2 end PossibleMatchingContract, s.SyntheticID
from @cli c
left join @comb cb on c.UniqueID in(id1,id2) and id1<>id2
left join @grp g on c.UniqueID = g.id
left join @str_id s on s.grp = g.grp
UniqueID PossibleMatchingContract SyntheticID
1 2 1980-11-04_Peter_Gray,Gray-Smith,Smith
1 3 1980-11-04_Peter_Gray,Gray-Smith,Smith
2 1 1980-11-04_Peter_Gray,Gray-Smith,Smith
2 3 1980-11-04_Peter_Gray,Gray-Smith,Smith
3 1 1980-11-04_Peter_Gray,Gray-Smith,Smith
3 2 1980-11-04_Peter_Gray,Gray-Smith,Smith
4 5 1985-06-09_Frank,Frank-Paul_May
5 4 1985-06-09_Frank,Frank-Paul_May
6 NULL 1950-11-04_Gina_Ericson
我认为这样产生的 SyntheticID 也应该是每个组的唯一"
I think that in this way the resulting SyntheticID should also be "unique" for each group