我遇到了问题,比如我正在传递 accountID 并根据该 SP 选择一个人的金额详细信息,例如
i am stuck in problem like i am passing accountID and on the basis of that SP picks amount details of a person e.g.
AccountID AccountTitle TransactionDate Amount
1 John01 2014/11/28 20
现在,如果同一个 accountID 有第二个或更多记录,那么它应该添加以前的 e.g.如果 accountID 1 的第二条记录是 40,则金额应显示 60(这样它应该已经添加到 20 并在第二条记录中显示总数)
now if there is 2nd or more records for same accountID then it should add with previous e.g. if 2nd record for accountID 1 is 40 then amount should display 60 (such that it should be already added to 20 and display total in 2nd record)
AccountID AccountTitle TransactionDate Amount
1 John01 2014/12/30 60 (in real it was 40 but it should show result after being added to 1st record)
Select Payments.Accounts.AccountID, Payments.Accounts.AccountTitle,
Payments.Transactions.DateTime as TranasactionDateTime,
Payments.Transactions.Amount from Payments.Accounts
Inner Join Payments.Accounts
ON Payments.Accounts.AccountID = Payments.Transactions.Account_ID
Inner Join Payments.Transactions
where Payments.Transactions.Account_ID = 1
it has wasted my time and can't tackle it anymore, so please help me,
SQL Server 2012+ 支持累积总和(这似乎是你想要的):
SQL Server 2012+ supports cumulative sums (which seems to be what you want):
Select a.AccountID, a.AccountTitle, t.DateTime as TranasactionDateTime,
sum(t.Amount) over (partition by t.Account_Id order by t.DateTime) as RunningAmount
from Payments.Accounts a Inner Join
Payments.Transactions t
on a.AccountID = t.Account_ID
where t.Account_ID = 1;
在早期版本的 SQL Server 中,您可以使用相关子查询或使用 cross apply
In earlier versions of SQL Server you can most easily do this with a correlated subquery or using cross apply
我还修复了您的查询.我不知道你为什么两次加入 Accounts 表.此外,表别名使查询更易于编写和阅读.
I also fixed your query. I don't know why you were joining to the Accounts table twice. Also, table aliases make queries much easier to write and to read.
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