update amdashboard
set (ASCID, ASCFirst, ASCLast, ASCOtherName, ASCAdd1, ASCAdd2,
ASCCity, ASCState, ASCZip, ASCZip4, ASCY2007, ASCY2008, ASCY2009,
ASCY2010, ASCY2011, ASCY2012, ASCEthnicity, ASCGender, ASCMaritalStatus)
= (select id, firstname, lastname, listingspousename, add1, add2,
city, state, zip, zip4, y2007, y2008, y2009,
y2010, y2011, y2012, Ethnicity, Gender, MaritialStatus
from ASCNCOAClean
inner join amdashboard
on ASCNCOAClean.firstname = amdashboard.actorsfirst
and ascncoaclean.lastname = amdashboard.actorslast)
where exists (select id, firstname, lastname, listingspousename,
add1, add2, city, state, zip, zip4, y2007, y2008,
y2009, y2010, y2011, y2012, Ethnicity, Gender,
from ASCNCOAClean
inner join amdashboard
on ASCNCOAClean.firstname = amdashboard.actorsfirst
and ascncoaclean.lastname = amdashboard.actorslast);
I can't get this to work...receiving a syntax error on the first parenthesis. So, I figured I'd try on just one field. I tried this:
update amdashboard
set ascid = (select ascncoaclean.id
from ASCNCOAClean
where ASCNCOAClean.firstname = amdashboard.actorsfirst
and ascncoaclean.lastname = amdashboard.actorslast)
where exists (select ascncoaclean.id
from ASCNCOAClean
where ASCNCOAClean.firstname = amdashboard.actorsfirst
and ascncoaclean.lastname = amdashboard.actorslast);
但这会返回错误 1242:子查询返回多于 1 行.这似乎很愚蠢.我知道它会返回不止一行...我想要它,因为我需要更新多行.
This however returns and error 1242: Subquery returns more than 1 row. That seems silly. I know it's going to return more than one row...I want it to because I need to update multiple rows.
The query you want would look something like this:
UPDATE amdashboard a, ASCNCOAClean b SET
a.ASCID = b.id,
a.ASCFirst = b.firstname,
a.ASCLast = b.lastname,
a.ASCOtherName = b.listingspousename,
a.ASCMaritalStatus = b.MaritialStatus
WHERE a.actorsfirst = b.firstname;
请注意,您必须将 ...
Observe you will have to replace ...
with the rest of the column associations I didn't write.
But be careful with that, something tells me this query is going to do something very wrong to your database, because you are not relating the tables using a unique key. If there are two records with the same ASCNCOAClean.firstname
you certainly will have loss of data.
还要注意它将更新 amdashboard
上的现有记录,而不是添加新记录.如果您的意图是将数据从 ASCNCOAClean
迁移到 amdashboard
,假设 amdashboard
Also observe that it is going to update existing records on amdashboard
, not add new ones. If your intention is to migrate data from ASCNCOAClean
to amdashboard
, assuming amdashboard
is a brand new, empty table, then the query you want is this:
INSERT INTO amdashboard (
ASCID, ASCFirst, ASCLast, ASCOtherName, ASCAdd1, ASCAdd2, ASCCity, ASCState,
ASCZip, ASCZip4, ASCY2007, ASCY2008, ASCY2009, ASCY2010, ASCY2011, ASCY2012,
ASCEthnicity, ASCGender, ASCMaritalStatus
id, firstname, lastname, listingspousename, add1, add2, city, state,
zip, zip4, y2007, y2008, y2009, y2010, y2011, y2012, Ethnicity, Gender,