Microsoft SQL Server 到 Oracle 数据迁移(转换)(其他 RDBMS 也可以)

Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle Data Migration (Conversion) (Other RDBMS ok, too)(Microsoft SQL Server 到 Oracle 数据迁移(转换)(其他 RDBMS 也可以))
本文介绍了Microsoft SQL Server 到 Oracle 数据迁移(转换)(其他 RDBMS 也可以)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


您能否提供一些提示或指南,以及 Microsoft SQL 服务器到 Oracle 数据迁移的最佳实践?恕我直言,这是最好的经验.所以我想从你的经验中受益.请分享您对数据迁移项目的设计、建模、测试或调整的任何见解.如果您分享您的经验,即使它不在这两个 RDBMS 之间,我将不胜感激.

Can you please give some tips or guidelines, best practices for MicroSoft SQL server to Oracle Data Migration? IMHO, it is something that comes best with experience. So I would like to benefit from your experience. Please share any insights that you have into design, modeling, testing or tuning for a data migration project. I would really appreciate if you share your experience even if it is not between these two RDBMSs.


Oracle 提供免费的 IDE,SQL Developer,其中包括一个 Migration Workbench,以支持将数据从 MS SQL 移动到 Oracle.检查一下.

Oracle offers a free IDE, SQL Developer, which includes a Migration Workbench to support moving data from MS SQL to Oracle. Check it out.

这篇关于Microsoft SQL Server 到 Oracle 数据迁移(转换)(其他 RDBMS 也可以)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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