SQLite 更新查询 - 带有别名的子查询不起作用

SQLite update query - subquery with aliases doesn#39;t work(SQLite 更新查询 - 带有别名的子查询不起作用)
本文介绍了SQLite 更新查询 - 带有别名的子查询不起作用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我需要更新一个 SQLite 表.

I need to update a SQLite table.


ID   | Address            | CallNumber   |  RefID
ef78 | library            | 2002/13      | 100002
no56 | Lit                | 0189         | 100003
rs90 | temp               |              | 100003

对于 Address = "Lit" 的每一列,都有一个 Address = 'temp' 的列具有相同的 RefID.现在我需要使用具有相同 RefID 的列中的值CallNumber"更新每个 Address = temp".

For every column with Address = "Lit" there is a column Address = 'temp' with the same RefID. Now I need to update each Address = "temp" with the value "CallNumber" from the column with the same RefID.


The updated table should look like:

ID   | Address            | CallNumber   |  RefID
ef78 | library            | 2002/13      | 100002
no56 | Lit                | 0189         | 100003
rs90 | 0189               |              | 100003


UPDATE Location
SET address = foo.callnumber
FROM (select RefID, CallNumber FROM Location) foo
WHERE foo.RefID=Location.RefID AND Location.Address = 'temp';


But all I got is a syntax error near "from".



UPDATE 命令 没有FROM 子句.

UPDATE commands do not have a FROM clause.


UPDATE Location
SET Address = (SELECT CallNumber
               FROM Location L2
               WHERE L2.RefID = Location.RefID
                 AND L2.Address = 'Lit')
WHERE Address = 'temp'

这篇关于SQLite 更新查询 - 带有别名的子查询不起作用的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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