为什么 SSIS 在导入 UTF-8 平面文件时不能识别换行符 {LF} 行分隔符?

Why doesn#39;t SSIS recognize line feed {LF} row delimiter while importing UTF-8 flat file?(为什么 SSIS 在导入 UTF-8 平面文件时不能识别换行符 {LF} 行分隔符?)
本文介绍了为什么 SSIS 在导入 UTF-8 平面文件时不能识别换行符 {LF} 行分隔符?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试使用 SSIS 将数据从 utf-8 编码的平面文件导入 SQL Server 2008.这是行数据的末尾在 Notepad++ 中的样子:


您可以看到数据在文件连接管理器预览中正确显示.当我尝试导入此数据时,没有导入任何行.我收到一条错误消息,指出未找到行分隔符.您可以在文件连接管理器图像中看到标题行分隔符和行分隔符都设置为 {LF}.这足以生成正确的预览,所以我不知道为什么它无法导入.我尝试了许多结果为零的事情:

  • 尝试在 SSMS 中使用向导导入...结果相同
  • 尝试使用数据转换,没有影响
  • 尝试将行分隔符设置为 (0a),结果相同

[平面文件源 [582]] 警告:到达数据文件的末尾,而读取标题行.确保标题行分隔符和数量要跳过的标题行是正确的.




由于列分隔符 Ç("c" with cedilla)和not 由于行分隔符 {LF}(换行).

[Read flat file [1]] 警告:到达数据文件的末尾,而读取标题行.确保标题行分隔符和数量要跳过的标题行是正确的.

这是一个示例 SSIS 包,展示了如何使用 Script Component 解决问题,最后还有另一个模拟您的问题的示例.


以下示例包是用 SSIS 2008 R2 编写的.它读取带有行分隔符 {LF} 的平面文件作为单列值;然后使用Script Component 拆分数据,将信息插入到SQL Server 2008 R2 数据库中的表中.

使用 Notepad++ 创建一个只有几行的简单平面文件.下面的示例文件在每一行上都有 Product IdList Price 信息,以 Ç 作为列分隔符,每个行以 {LF} 分隔符结尾.

在 Notepad++ 上,单击 Encoding,然后单击 Encoding in UTF-8 以保存平面文件UTF-8 编码.

该示例将使用名为 SoraSQL Server 2008 R2 数据库.使用下面给定的脚本创建一个名为 dbo.ProductListPrice 的新表.SSIS 会将平面文件数据插入到该表中.

使用索拉;去创建表 dbo.ProductListPrice(ProductId nvarchar(30) 非空, ListPrice numeric(12,2) NOT NULL);去

使用 Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) 2008 R2 创建 SSIS 包.将包命名为 SO_6268205.dtsx.创建一个名为 Sora.ds 的数据源,以连接到 SQL Server 2008 R2 中的数据库 Sora.>

右键单击包内的任意位置,然后单击Variables 以查看变量窗格.在包范围SO_6268205<中创建一个名为ColumnDelimiter、数据类型String的新变量ColumnDelimiter/code> 并将变量设置为 Ç

右键单击 Connection Managers 并单击 New Flat File Connection... 以创建一个连接读取平面文件.


  • 连接管理器名称设置为ProductListPrice
  • Description设置为平面文件连接管理器以读取产品标价信息.
  • 选择平面文件路径.我在路径 C:SivaStackOverflowFiles6268205ProductListPrice.txt
  • 中有文件
  • 标题行分隔符中选择{LF}
  • 检查第一个数据行的列名
  • 点击Columns页面

平面文件连接管理器编辑器Columns页面上,验证Column delimiter 为空白且已禁用.点击Advanced页面.


  • 名称设置为LineData
  • 验证列分隔符是否设置为{LF}
  • 设置DataTypeUnicode字符串[DT_WSTR]
  • OutputColumnWidth 设置为 255
  • 点击预览页面.


您将在 Connection Managers 选项卡上看到数据源 Sora 和平面文件连接管理器 ProductListPrice在包装底部.

Data Flow Task拖放到包的Control Flow选项卡上,并将其命名为File to database - without Cedilla delimiter代码>

双击Data Flow Task 将视图切换到包上的Data Flow 选项卡.将 Flat File Source 拖放到 Data Flow 选项卡上.双击Flat File Source 打开Flat File Source Editor.

Flat File Source EditorConnection Manager页面上,选择Flat File Connection Manager ProductListPrice 并点击 Columns 页面.

平面文件源编辑器Columns页面,勾选LineData 并点击OK.

Script Component 拖放到 Flat File Source 下方的 Data Flow 选项卡上,选择 Transformation 并点击OK.将绿色箭头从 Flat File Source 连接到 Script Component.双击Script Component打开Script Transformation Editor.

Script Transformation Editor 上单击 Input Columns 并选择 LineData 列.点击输入和输出页面.

脚本转换编辑器Inputs and Outputs页面上,执行以下操作.

  • 将输入名称更改为 FlatFileInput
  • 将输出名称更改为 SplitDataOutput
  • 选择输出列并点击添加列.再次重复此操作以添加另一列.
  • 为第一列命名ProductId
  • 设置ProductId列的DataTypeUnicode字符串[DT_WSTR]
  • 长度设置为30

脚本转换编辑器Inputs and Outputs页面上,执行以下操作.

  • 为第二列命名ListPrice
  • ListPrice列的DataType设置为数字[DT_NUMERIC]
  • 精度设置为12
  • Scale设置为2
  • 点击Script页面修改脚本


  • 点击 ReadOnlyVariables 旁边的省略号按钮并选择变量 User::ColumnDelimiter
  • 点击编辑脚本...

在脚本编辑器中粘贴以下 C#.该脚本执行以下任务.

  • 使用变量User::ColumnDelimiter中定义的列分隔符值Ç,方法FlatFileInput_ProcessInputRow 拆分传入值并将其分配给脚本组件转换中定义的两个输出列.


使用系统;使用 System.Data;使用 Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;使用 Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper;[Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.SSISScriptComponentEntryPointAttribute]公共类 ScriptMain : UserComponent{公共覆盖无效 PreExecute(){base.PreExecute();}公共覆盖无效 PostExecute(){base.PostExecute();}公共覆盖无效 FlatFileInput_ProcessInputRow(FlatFileInputBuffer Row){const int COL_PRODUCT = 0;const int COL_PRICE = 1;字符分隔符 = Convert.ToChar(this.Variables.ColumnDelimiter);string[] lineData = Row.LineData.ToString().Split(delimiter);Row.ProductId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(lineData[COL_PRODUCT])?字符串.空: lineData[COL_PRODUCT];Row.ListPrice = String.IsNullOrEmpty(lineData[COL_PRICE])?0: Convert.ToDecimal(lineData[COL_PRICE]);}}

OLE DB Destination 拖放到 Data Flow 选项卡上.将绿色箭头从 Script Component 连接到 OLE DB Destination.双击OLE DB Destination打开OLE DB Destination Editor.

OLE DB Destination EditorConnection Manager 页面上,执行以下操作.

  • OLE DB 连接管理器
  • 中选择Sora
  • 数据访问模式
  • 选择表格或视图 - 快速加载
  • 表或视图的名称
  • 中选择[dbo].[ProductListPrice]
  • 点击映射页面

OLE DB 目标编辑器上点击Mappings页面,如果输入和输出列名称相同,将自动映射列.点击OK.

Data Flow 选项卡在配置完所有组件后应如下所示.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 中执行查询select * from dbo.ProductListPrice 以查找表中的行数.在执行包之前它应该是空的.

执行包.您会注意到包成功处理了 9 行.平面文件包含 10 行,但第一行是带有列名的标题.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)中执行查询select * from dbo.ProductListPrice,找到9行成功插入桌子.数据应与平面文件数据匹配.




右键单击 Connection Managers 并单击 New Flat File Connection... 以创建一个连接读取平面文件.在平面文件连接管理器编辑器General页面上,执行以下操作:

  • 连接管理器名称设置为ProductListPrice_Cedilla
  • 将描述设置为 带有 Cedilla 列分隔符的平面文件连接管理器.
  • 我的文件在路径 C:SivaStackOverflowFiles6268205ProductListPrice.txt 选择平面文件路径.
  • 标题行分隔符中选择{LF}
  • 检查第一个数据行的列名
  • 点击Columns页面


  • 行分隔符设置为{LF}
  • 列分隔符字段可能被禁用.点击重置列
  • 列分隔符设置为Ç
  • 点击高级页面


  • 名称设置为ProductId
  • ColumnDelimiter 设置为 Ç
  • 设置DataTypeUnicode字符串[DT_WSTR]
  • 长度设置为30
  • 点击列ListPrice


  • 名称设置为ListPrice
  • ColumnDelimiter 设置为 {LF}
  • DataType 设置为 numeric [DT_NUMERIC]
  • DataPrecision 设置为 12
  • DataScale 设置为 2
  • 点击OK

数据流任务拖放到控制流选项卡上,并将其命名为文件到数据库 - 使用 Cedilla 分隔符.禁用第一个数据流任务.

使用 Flat File SourceOLE DB Destination


双击平面文件源打开平面文件源编辑器.在 Flat File Source EditorConnection Manager 页面上,选择 Flat File Connection Manager ProductListPrice_Cedilla 并点击 Columns 页面来配置列.点击OK.

执行包.所有组件都将显示绿色,表示该过程成功,但不会处理任何行.可以看到Flat File SourceOLE DB Destination


[Read flat file [1]] 警告:到达数据文件的末尾,而读取标题行.确保标题行分隔符和数量要跳过的标题行是正确的.

I am trying to import data from a utf-8 encoded flat file into SQL Server 2008 using SSIS. This is what the end of the row data looks like in Notepad++:

I have a couple more images showing what the file connection manager looks like:

You can see that the data shows correctly in the file connection manager preview. When I try to import this data, no rows import. I get an error message indicating that the row delimiter was not found. You can see in the file connection manager images that the header row delimiter and the row delimiter are both set to {LF}. This was sufficient to generate the correct preview, so I am lost to why it did not work to import. I have tried a number of things that have brought zero results:

  • Tried using the Wizard import in SSMS...same results
  • Tried using data conversion, no impact
  • Tried setting the row delimiter to (0a), same results

[Flat File Source [582]] Warning: The end of the data file was reached while reading header rows. Make sure the header row delimiter and the number of header rows to skip are correct.

Thanks for looking at this and I really appreciate any help you can offer.



SSIS fails to read the file and displays the below warning due to the column delimiter Ç ("c" with cedilla) and not due to the line delimiter {LF} (Line Feed).

[Read flat file [1]] Warning: The end of the data file was reached while 
reading header rows. Make sure the header row delimiter and the number of 
header rows to skip are correct.

Here is a sample SSIS package that shows how to resolve the issue using Script Component and at the end there is another example that simulates your issue.


Below sample package is written in SSIS 2008 R2. It reads a flat file with row delimiter {LF} as a single column value; then splits the data using Script Component to insert the information into a table in SQL Server 2008 R2 database.

Use Notepad++ to create a simple flat file with few rows. The below sample file has Product Id and List Price information on each row separated by Ç as column delimiter and each row ends with {LF} delimiter.

On the Notepad++, click Encoding and then click Encoding in UTF-8 to save the flat file in UTF-8 encoding.

The sample will use an SQL Server 2008 R2 database named Sora. Create a new table named dbo.ProductListPrice using the below given script. SSIS will insert the flat file data into this table.

USE Sora;

CREATE TABLE dbo.ProductListPrice
        ProductId   nvarchar(30)    NOT NULL
    ,   ListPrice   numeric(12,2)   NOT NULL

Create an SSIS package using Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) 2008 R2. Name the package as SO_6268205.dtsx. Create a data source named Sora.ds to connect to the database Sora in SQL Server 2008 R2.

Right-click anywhere inside the package and then click Variables to view the variables pane. Create a new variable named ColumnDelimiter of data type String in the package scope SO_6268205 and set the variable with the value Ç

Right-click on the Connection Managers and click New Flat File Connection... to create a connection to read the flat file.

On the General page of the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, perform the following actions:

  • Set Connection manager name to ProductListPrice
  • Set Description to Flat file connection manager to read product list price information.
  • Select the flat file path. I have the file in the path C:SivaStackOverflowFiles6268205ProductListPrice.txt
  • Select {LF} from Header Row Delimiter
  • Check Column names in the first data row
  • Click Columns page

On the Columns page of the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, verify that the Column delimiter is blank and disabled. Click Advanced page.

On the Advanced page of the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, perform the following actions.

  • Set the Name to LineData
  • Verify that the Column delimiter is set to {LF}
  • Set the DataType to Unicode string [DT_WSTR]
  • Set the OutputColumnWidth to 255
  • Click the Preview page.

On the Preview page of the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, verify that the displayed data looks correct and click OK.

You will see the data source Sora and the flat file connection manager ProductListPrice on the Connection Managers tab at the bottom of the package.

Drag and drop Data Flow Task onto the Control Flow tab of the package and name it as File to database - Without Cedilla delimiter

Double-click the Data Flow Task to switch the view to the Data Flow tab on the package. Drag and drop a Flat File Source on the Data Flow tab. Double-click the Flat File Source to open Flat File Source Editor.

On the Connection Manager page of the Flat File Source Editor, select the Flat File Connection Manager ProductListPrice and click Columns page.

On the Columns page of the Flat File Source Editor, check the column LineData and click OK.

Drag and drop a Script Component onto the Data Flow tab below the Flat File Source, select Transformation and click OK. Connect the green arrow from Flat File Source to Script Component. Double-click Script Component to open Script Transformation Editor.

Click Input Columns on Script Transformation Editor and select LineData column. Click Inputs and Outputs page.

On the Inputs and Outputs page of the Script Transformation Editor, perform the following actions.

  • Change the inputs name to FlatFileInput
  • Change the outputs name to SplitDataOutput
  • Select Output Columns and click Add Column. Repeat this again to add another column.
  • Name the first column ProductId
  • Set the DataType of column ProductId to Unicode string [DT_WSTR]
  • Set the Length to 30

On the Inputs and Outputs page of the Script Transformation Editor, perform the following actions.

  • Name the second column ListPrice
  • Set the DataType of column ListPrice to numeric [DT_NUMERIC]
  • Set the Precision to 12
  • Set the Scale to 2
  • Click Script page to modify the script

On the Script page of the Script Transformation Editor, perform the following actions.

  • Click the ellipsis button against ReadOnlyVariables and select the variable User::ColumnDelimiter
  • Click Edit Script...

Paste the below C# in the Script Editor. The script performs the following tasks.

  • Using the column delimiter value Ç defined in the variable User::ColumnDelimiter, the method FlatFileInput_ProcessInputRow splits the incoming value and assigns it to the two output columns defined in the Script Component transformation.


using System;
using System.Data;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.Wrapper;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Runtime.Wrapper;

public class ScriptMain : UserComponent
    public override void PreExecute()

    public override void PostExecute()

    public override void FlatFileInput_ProcessInputRow(FlatFileInputBuffer Row)
        const int COL_PRODUCT = 0;
        const int COL_PRICE = 1;

        char delimiter = Convert.ToChar(this.Variables.ColumnDelimiter);
        string[] lineData = Row.LineData.ToString().Split(delimiter);

        Row.ProductId = String.IsNullOrEmpty(lineData[COL_PRODUCT]) 
                            ? String.Empty 
                            : lineData[COL_PRODUCT];

        Row.ListPrice = String.IsNullOrEmpty(lineData[COL_PRICE]) 
                            ? 0 
                            : Convert.ToDecimal(lineData[COL_PRICE]);

Drag and drop OLE DB Destination onto the Data Flow tab. Connect the green arrow from Script Component to OLE DB Destination. Double-click OLE DB Destination to open OLE DB Destination Editor.

On the Connection Manager page of the OLE DB Destination Editor, perform the following actions.

  • Select Sora from OLE DB Connection Manager
  • Select Table or view - fast load from Data access mode
  • Select [dbo].[ProductListPrice] from Name of the table or the view
  • Click Mappings page

Click Mappings page on the OLE DB Destination Editor would automatically map the columns if the input and output column names are same. Click OK.

Data Flow tab should look something like this after configuring all the components.

Execute the query select * from dbo.ProductListPrice in the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to find the number of rows in the table. It should be empty before executing the package.

Execute the package. You will notice that the package successfully processed 9 rows. The flat file contains 10 lines but the first row is header with column names.

Execute the query select * from dbo.ProductListPrice in the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to find the 9 rows successfully inserted into the table. The data should match with flat file data.

The above example illustrated how to manually split the data using Script Component because the Flat File Connection Manager encounters error when configured the column delimiter Ç

Issue Simulation:

This example shows a separate Flat File Connection Manager configured with column delimiter Ç, which executes but encounters a warning and does not process any lines.

Right-click on the Connection Managers and click New Flat File Connection... to create a connection to read the flat file. On the General page of the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, perform the following actions:

  • Set Connection manager name to ProductListPrice_Cedilla
  • Set Description to Flat file connection manager with Cedilla column delimiter.
  • I have the file in the path C:SivaStackOverflowFiles6268205ProductListPrice.txt Select the flat file path.
  • Select {LF} from Header Row Delimiter
  • Check Column names in the first data row
  • Click Columns page

On the Columns page of the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, perform the following actions:

  • Set Row delimiter to {LF}
  • The column delimiter field may be disabled. Click Reset Columns
  • Set Column delimiter to Ç
  • Click Advanced page

On the Advanced page of the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, perform the following actions:

  • Set the Name to ProductId
  • Set the ColumnDelimiter to Ç
  • Set the DataType to Unicode string [DT_WSTR]
  • Set the Length to 30
  • Click column ListPrice

On the Advanced page of the Flat File Connection Manager Editor, perform the following actions:

  • Set the Name to ListPrice
  • Set the ColumnDelimiter to {LF}
  • Set the DataType to numeric [DT_NUMERIC]
  • Set the DataPrecision to 12
  • Set the DataScale to 2
  • Click OK

Drag and drop a Data Flow task onto the Control Flow tab and name it as File to database - With Cedilla delimiter. Disable the first data flow task.

Configure the second data flow task with Flat File Source and OLE DB Destination

Double-click the Flat File Source to open Flat File Source Editor. On the Connection Manager page of the Flat File Source Editor, select the Flat File Connection Manager ProductListPrice_Cedilla and click Columns page to configure the columns. Click OK.

Execute the package. All the components will display green color to indicate that the process was success but no rows will be processed. You can see that there are no rows numbers indication between the Flat File Source and OLE DB Destination

Click the Progress tab and you will notice the following warning message.

[Read flat file [1]] Warning: The end of the data file was reached while 
reading header rows. Make sure the header row delimiter and the number of 
header rows to skip are correct.

这篇关于为什么 SSIS 在导入 UTF-8 平面文件时不能识别换行符 {LF} 行分隔符?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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