sqlite3_exec() 回调函数说明

sqlite3_exec() Callback function clarification(sqlite3_exec() 回调函数说明)
本文介绍了sqlite3_exec() 回调函数说明的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我无法理解回调函数在 SQLite3 数据库中的使用.

据我所知,它用于遍历具有多条记录的 SELECT 语句.但我不明白它是如何做到的,也不明白如何制作我自己的有用回调.我已经多次通读 本教程 以试图理解,但这只是不做给我.

当我使用他们的示例并在 Visual Studio 中调试以查看如何填充和遍历参数数组时,我迷路了.另外 VS 只显示阵列中的当前槽位,而不是整个阵列本身.



static int callback(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){国际我;fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", (const char*)data);for(i=0; i


假设您有一个非常简单的表,名为 User,它看起来像这样:

<前>╔====╦==========╗║ 身份证 ║ 姓名 ║╟────╫──────────╢║ 1 ║ Slvrfn ║║ 2 ║ 肖恩 ║║ 3 ║ 德鲁 ║║ 4 ║ 麻║╚====╩==========╝


/* 为简洁起见省略了错误处理 */sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT * FROM User", my_special_callback, NULL, NULL);

SQLite 将执行传递的 SQL 语句,并且对于它找到的每个结果行,它将调用 my_special_callback.因此,对于我们的示例 User 表,my_special_callback 将被调用 4 次.所以让我们创建my_special_callback:

/** 参数:** 未使用 - 在这种情况下被忽略,请参阅 sqlite3_exec 的文档* count - 结果集中的列数* data - 该行的数据* 列 - 列名*/static int my_special_callback(void *unused, int count, char **data, char **columns){国际idx;printf("有 %d 列
", count);for (idx = 0; idx <计数; idx++) {printf("%s"列的数据为:%s
", columns[idx], data[idx]);}printf("


<前>有 2 列ID"列中的数据为:1名称"列数据为:Slvrfn有 2 列ID"列中的数据为:2姓名"列中的数据为:肖恩有 2 列ID"列中的数据为:3姓名"列数据为:Drew有 2 列ID"列数据为:4名称"列中的数据为:mah

现在是如何使它有用,这就是 sqlite3_exec 的第四个参数的用武之地.来自文档:


sqlite3_exec() 的第四个参数被传递到第一个每个回调调用的参数.

假设我们要运行 SQL 并构建一个包含所有用户姓名的链表.我们需要做的第一件事是改变我们调用 sqlite3_exec 的方式:

/* 创建我虚构的链表 */struct my_linked_list *head = my_linked_list_alloc();/** 将指向我的列表的指针作为第四个参数传递给 sqlite3_exec.错误* 为简洁起见省略了处理*/sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT * FROM User", my_special_callback, head, NULL);/* 我的列表现在已经建立,我可以用它做一些事情... */my_linked_list_traverse(head,/* ... Stuff ... */);


/** 参数:** list - 指向名称链表的指针* count - 结果集中的列数* data - 该行的数据* 列 - 列名*/static int my_special_callback(void *list, int count, char **data, char **columns){struct my_linked_list *head = list;/** 我们知道 Name 列中的值在第二个槽中* 数据数组.*/my_linked_list_append(head, data[1]);返回0;}

现在,如果您要使用问题中包含的 callback,您可以这样称呼它:

/** 将表名作为第四个参数传递给 sqlite3_exec.错误* 为简洁起见省略了处理*/sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT * FROM User", callback, "User", NULL);


<前>用户:ID = 1名称 = Slvrfn用户:ID = 2姓名 = 肖恩... 等等 ...

(除了 User: 部分将被打印到 stderr 而不是 stdout)


I am having trouble understanding the use of the callback function in a SQLite3 database.

I understand it is used to traverse SELECT statements with multiple records. But I do not understand how it does that or how to make my own useful callback. I have read through this tutorial several times to try to understand, but that is just not doing it for me.

When I use their example and debug in Visual Studio to see how the argument arrays are populated and traversed i get lost. Also VS only shows the current slot in the array, not the entire array itself.

If you need any clarification please let me know as I am here to learn!

I am asking for someone to explain how the callback is used. Maybe some examples of how others have used it. Just an explanation of what this one is doing even:

static int callback(void *data, int argc, char **argv, char **azColName){
   int i;
   fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", (const char*)data);
   for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
      printf("%s = %s
", azColName[i], argv[i] ? argv[i] : "NULL");
   return 0;


Let's assume you have a very simple table called User that looks something like this:

║ ID ║ Name     ║
║ 1  ║ Slvrfn   ║
║ 2  ║ Sean     ║
║ 3  ║ Drew     ║
║ 4  ║ mah      ║

And you call sqlite3_exec like this (the arguments are described in detail in the documentation):

/* Error handling omitted for brevity */
sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT * FROM User", my_special_callback, NULL, NULL);

SQLite will execute the passed SQL statement and for every result row that it finds it will call my_special_callback. So with our example User table, my_special_callback will be called 4 times. So let's create my_special_callback:

 * Arguments:
 *   unused - Ignored in this case, see the documentation for sqlite3_exec
 *    count - The number of columns in the result set
 *     data - The row's data
 *  columns - The column names
static int my_special_callback(void *unused, int count, char **data, char **columns)
    int idx;

    printf("There are %d column(s)
", count);

    for (idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
        printf("The data in column "%s" is: %s
", columns[idx], data[idx]);


    return 0;

Given our example table and data, the output will look like this:

There are 2 column(s)
The data in column "ID" is: 1
The data in column "Name" is: Slvrfn

There are 2 column(s)
The data in column "ID" is: 2
The data in column "Name" is: Sean

There are 2 column(s)
The data in column "ID" is: 3
The data in column "Name" is: Drew

There are 2 column(s)
The data in column "ID" is: 4
The data in column "Name" is: mah

Now to how to make this useful, that is where the 4th argument to sqlite3_exec comes in. From the documentation:

The 4th argument to sqlite3_exec() is relayed through to the 1st argument of each callback invocation.

So let's say that we want to run our SQL and build a linked list of the names of all of our users. The first thing we need to do is change how we are calling sqlite3_exec:

/* Create my fictional linked list */
struct my_linked_list *head = my_linked_list_alloc();

 * Pass a pointer to my list as the 4th argument to sqlite3_exec. Error
 * handling omitted for brevity
sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT * FROM User", my_special_callback, head, NULL);

/* My list is now built, I can do stuff with it... */
my_linked_list_traverse(head, /* ... Stuff ... */);

And modify my_special_callback to use it

 * Arguments:
 *     list - Pointer to a linked list of names
 *    count - The number of columns in the result set
 *     data - The row's data
 *  columns - The column names
static int my_special_callback(void *list, int count, char **data, char **columns)
    struct my_linked_list *head = list;

     * We know that the value from the Name column is in the second slot
     * of the data array.
    my_linked_list_append(head, data[1]);

    return 0;

Now, if you were to use the callback you included in your question, you would call it like this:

 * Pass the table name as the 4th argument to sqlite3_exec. Error
 * handling omitted for brevity
sqlite3_exec(db, "SELECT * FROM User", callback, "User", NULL);

The output would be:

ID = 1
Name = Slvrfn

ID = 2
Name = Sean

... etc ...

(Except the User: part would be printed to stderr instead of stdout)

Hopefully this helps clear things up for you. Let me know if there is still something that you don't understand.

这篇关于sqlite3_exec() 回调函数说明的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!



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