我正在尝试在 TSQL 中构建一个存储过程来调用 Web 服务.我以前在 Oracle 中做过这个,但在 MSSQL 中似乎没那么容易.当然有很多理由不在存储过程中执行此操作,但由于此过程仅用于每日批处理,因此性能不是太大问题.我想做的事情如下:向webservice发送一个全名,webservice将返回一个名称,分为名字,前缀,姓氏等.返回的值需要写入表.
I am trying to build a stored procedure in TSQL to call a webservice. I've done this before in Oracle, but it seems like it's not so easy in MSSQL. There are of course many reasons not to do this in a stored proc, but since this procedure is only to be used in a daily batch, performance is not too much of a issue. The thing I want to do is as follows: Send a full name to the webservice, the webservice will return a name divided in things like first name, prefix, lastname, etc. The returned values will need to be written to a table.
我在 http://www.vishalseth.com/post/2009/12/22/Call-a-webservice-from-TSQL-(Stored-Procedure)-using-MSXML.aspx 这似乎完全符合我的要求,但是一旦您向调用添加主体,我就会遇到诸如参数不正确"之类的错误.这在文章中也有说明,显然没有简单的解决方案.我肯定需要发送一个请求正文.
I found a interesting procedure at http://www.vishalseth.com/post/2009/12/22/Call-a-webservice-from-TSQL-(Stored-Procedure)-using-MSXML.aspx wich seemed to do exactly what I want, but as soon as you add a body to the call, I run into errors like "The parameter is incorrect". This is also stated in the article, and apparently there's no easy solution for it. I definitely need to send a request body.
我还阅读了很多关于使用 CLI 或Web 服务任务编辑器"或SSIS"解决它的文章,但我找不到任何关于从哪里开始的教程.现在我只有 Microsoft SQL 服务器管理工作室.
I also read lots of articles about solving it with CLI or the "Web Service Task Editor", or "SSIS" bit I couldn't find any tutorials about where to start. Right now I only have Microsoft SQL server management studio.
顺便说一下,我使用的是 SQL Server 2012.
I'm on SQL server 2012 by the way.
Any ideas about what direction I should go with this?
我已经找到了这个描述,看起来很干净:http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3821271/Calling-a-Web-Service-from-within-SQL-Server.htm 但是,在安装 Visual Studio 2012 并创建SQL 服务器数据库项目"后,我无法在解决方案上下文菜单中选择添加 Web 引用",菜单中只有这样的选项.>
I've already found this description, wich seems pretty clean: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3821271/Calling-a-Web-Service-from-within-SQL-Server.htm However, after installing visual studio 2012 and creating a "SQL server database project", I am unable to choose "Add Web Reference" in the solution context menu, there's just nu such option in the menu.
In the past I have used the following method, it may not be the best method these days but it has worked successfully for me :
DECLARE @obj int,
@url VarChar(MAX),
@response VarChar(MAX),
@requestHeader VarChar(MAX),
@requestBody VarChar(MAX)
SET @url = 'http://....'
SET @requestBody = '<soapenv:Envelope>
EXEC sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHttp', @obj OUT
EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'Open', NULL, 'GET', @url, false
EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Type', 'text/xml;charset=UTF-8'
EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'SOAPAction', 'POST'
EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'setRequestHeader', NULL, 'Content-Length', LEN(@requestBody)
EXEC sp_OAMethod @obj, 'send', NULL, @requestBody
EXEC sp_OAGetProperty @obj, 'responseText', @response OUT
EXEC sp_OADestroy @obj
我用它来调用一个 web 服务,该服务生成一个报告并在该方法中通过电子邮件发送.
I have used this to call a webservice which produces a report and emails it within the method.
这篇关于从 TSQL 存储过程调用 SOAP 网络服务的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!