只要事务尚未提交,SQL Server 是否允许在事务中违反约束(即延迟约束)?
我有一个正在运行的未提交事务,当该事务正在运行时,我将更改我的数据以使其违反某些约束(例如具有重复的主键).当我提交事务时,数据将处于一致、有效的状态.这通常在 SQL 中允许,特别是在 MS SQL Server 中吗?
I have a running, uncommitted transaction and while this transaction is running, I will change my data so that it will violate some constraints (like having duplicate primary keys for example). When I commit the transaction, the data will be in consistent, valid state. Is this generally allowed in SQL and specifically in MS SQL Server?
不,抱歉.SQL Server 不允许在事务中使用延迟约束.它存在于 SQL Server 6.5 中,但在 SQL Server 2000 中被删除:
No, sorry. SQL Server does not allow deferred contraints in a transaction. It was present in SQL Server 6.5, but removed in SQL Server 2000:
Each individual statement must be consistent etc, regardless of whether it is in a transaction
某些 RDBMS 确实允许这样做(例如 Oracle、Postgres、Interbase)
Some RDBMS do allow this (e.g. Oracle, Postgres, Interbase)
有一个 Microsoft Connect 请求,创建于 2006 年,要求使用此功能:
There is a Microsoft Connect request, created in 2006, asking for this feature:
Option to defer foreign key constraint checking until transaction commit
There are various "chicken and egg" scenarios where it would be desirable to defer the checking of referential integrity constraints until commit time on a transaction.
允许将参照完整性约束检查推迟到事务的提交时间(作为一个选项).建议在 BEGIN TRANSACTION 上提供一个选项来指定这一点.
Allow deferring of referential integrity constraint checking until commit time on a transaction (as an option). Suggest providing an option on BEGIN TRANSACTION that specifies this.
The last response from Microsoft came a decade ago:
Sameer [MSFT] 于 2006 年 10 月 13 日下午 1:35 发表
Posted by Sameer [MSFT] on 10/13/2006 at 1:35 PM
Thanks for the feedback. We are aware of this and looking into it for a future release.
Sameer Verkhedkar
SQL 引擎
Sameer Verkhedkar
SQL Engine
该功能是在 1992 年 7 月使用 SQL-92 定义的一>.示例语法是:
The feature was defined in July 1992 with SQL-92. An example syntax would be:
SET CONSTRAINTS ALL DEFERRED --applies only to the current transaction
INSERT Customers ...
INSERT Orders ...
UPDATE Customers ... --add the thing we were missing
这篇关于只要尚未提交,SQL Server 是否允许在事务中违反约束?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持编程学习网!