更新在 Oracle 中插入重复的主键?

UPDATE on INSERT duplicate primary key in Oracle?(更新在 Oracle 中插入重复的主键?)
本文介绍了更新在 Oracle 中插入重复的主键?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个简单的 INSERT 查询,当主键重复时,我需要使用 UPDATE 代替.在 MySQL 中这似乎更容易,在 Oracle 中似乎我需要使用 MERGE.

I have a simple INSERT query where I need to use UPDATE instead when the primary key is a duplicate. In MySQL this seems easier, in Oracle it seems I need to use MERGE.

我能找到的所有 MERGE 示例都有某种源"和目标"表,在我的例子中,源和目标是同一个表.我无法理解这些示例来创建自己的查询.

All examples I could find of MERGE had some sort of "source" and "target" tables, in my case, the source and target is the same table. I was not able to make sense of the examples to create my own query.

MERGE 是唯一的方法还是有更好的解决方案?

Is MERGE the only way or maybe there's a better solution?

INSERT INTO movie_ratings
VALUES (1, 3, 5)


It's basically this and the primary key is the first 2 values, so an update would be like this:

UPDATE movie_ratings
SET rating = 8
WHERE mid = 1 AND aid = 3

我想使用一个触发器,它会在调用 INSERT 时自动执行 UPDATE 语句,但前提是主键是重复的.这样做有什么问题吗?我需要一些关于触发器的帮助,因为我在尝试理解它们并自己做时遇到了一些困难.

I thought of using a trigger that would automatically execute the UPDATE statement when the INSERT was called but only if the primary key is a duplicate. Is there any problem doing it this way? I need some help with triggers though as I'm having some difficulty trying to understand them and doing my own.


MERGE 是标准 SQL 中的根据需要执行 INSERT 或 UPDATE"语句,因此在 Oracle SQL 中也可能如此.

MERGE is the 'do INSERT or UPDATE as appropriate' statement in Standard SQL, and probably therefore in Oracle SQL too.


Yes, you need a 'table' to merge from, but you can almost certainly create that table on the fly:

 MERGE INTO Movie_Ratings M
       USING (SELECT 1 AS mid, 3 AS aid, 8 AS rating FROM dual) N
          ON (M.mid = N.mid AND M.aid = N.aid)
       WHEN     MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET M.rating = N.rating
       WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT(  mid,   aid,   rating)
                             VALUES(N.mid, N.aid, N.rating);


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